
What is the hardest to pronounce country?

What is the hardest to pronounce country?

Maldives, Iraq, Uruguay, Niger – These are some countries that are really hard to pronounce….13 Places You’ve Been Pronouncing Wrong Your Whole Life

  1. Azerbaijan. Image Credit: Turidei.
  2. Kyrgyzstan. Image Credit: Pinterest.
  3. Suriname.
  4. Uruguay.
  5. Iraq.
  6. Oman.
  7. Giza (Egypt)
  8. Bengaluru (India)

How do you say La Jolla California?

La Jolla, California This sun-drenched town is commonly mispronounced “La JOL-LA.” But the correct pronunciation is “La HOY-a.” La Jolla is a seaside community located within the city of San Diego, California.

What are the most commonly misspelled words?

Another one of the most common misspellings across the nation is the word “pneumonia,” which is understandable. Some words seem easier to spell than others, though. “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” was the most commonly misspelled in West Virginia and Connecticut, which was easily the longest word on the list.

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What are some commonly misused words?

The 50 Most Commonly Misused Words in the English Language. Epitome/Epidemy – Epitome is a typical or ideal example of something. Epidemy refers to epidemic…as in disease. Site/Sight/Cite – These are common words and I’m sure you know the difference but for the sake of inclusion, site refers to an area.

What are some commonly mispronounced foods?

43 foods we commonly mispronounce Açai (“ah-sigh-ee”) Agave (“ah-GAH-vee”; “ah-GAH-vay”) Aglio e olio (“AH-lyoh ay AW-lyoh”) Aïoli (“ay-OH-lee”; “i-OH-lee”) Anise (“AN-ihss”) Arancini (“are-ahn-chee-nee”) Are you pronouncing these foods correctly? Au jus (“oh-ZHOO”) Boeuf Bourguignon (“BEUF boor-gee-NYON”) Bouillabaisse (“BOOL-yuh-BAYZ”; “BOOL-yuh-BEHZ”) Bruschetta (“broo-SKEH-tah”)

What are the most common words?

The most common first word said by a baby is a variation of mama or dada.. Other early words include hi, buba, dog, ball, no, cat, nana and bye..