
What is the highest rank in the SCP Foundation?

What is the highest rank in the SCP Foundation?

Foundation ranks/Levels

  • Site Director : The Site Director is pretty much the boss of a certain site.
  • O5-Council : Those are 13 of the most powerfull people in the Foundation.
  • O5-Head : He is the highest, and most powerfull of the O5.
  • The Administrator : This rank is impossible to gain.

Who is the leader of the SCP Foundation?

Robert Bumaro is a major antagonist and anti-villain in the universe of the SCP Foundation. He is the leader of the Church of the Broken God who seeks to rebuild the Broken God through any means necessary, but often works alongside the Foundation when fighting common threats.

What is the SCP Foundation main goal?

Despite its secretive premise, the Foundation is entrusted by governments around the world to capture and contain various unexplained phenomena that defy the known laws of nature (referred to as “anomalies”, “SCP objects”, “SCPs”, or colloquially “skips”).

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Are the O5 council humans?

A minority of the O5 Council may have anomalous abilities or traits, if reports are to be believed, but it is generally believed that none of the O5 Council are reality benders, and most of them are simply human.

When was SCP Foundation established?

The SCP Foundation series originated in the “paranormal” /x/ forum of 4chan, where the first special containment procedure, SCP-173, was posted in 2007. Many other special containment procedures were created shortly after, inspired by SCP-173.

Where is the SCP Foundation?

Overview of series. In-universe, the SCP Foundation is a secret organization entrusted by governments around the globe to contain and study anomalous individuals, entities, locations, objects, and phenomena operating outside the bounds of natural law (referred to as “SCP objects”, or colloquially as “SCPs” or “skips”).

When did SCP start?

Basically, the original SCP (SCP-173) was written back in 2007, the first incarnation of this wiki (on was made in early 2008, and we moved to Wikidot in the middle of that year.

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What was the first SCP?

SCP-173, also known as “The Sculpture”, “(The) Baby”, or “Peanut” is the main antagonist of SCP – Containment Breach and the first SCP ever contained by the Foundation. SCP-173 is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint.