
What is the highest rated One Piece arc?

What is the highest rated One Piece arc?

6 Enies Lobby Arc Out of all the One Piece story arcs, most fans agree that the Enies Lobby arc is by far the best.

What is the most hated arc in One Piece?

1. long ring island i can say so many things about this arc in the anime that it would take a hour to finish all im gonna say is the only and only good thing is the afro other wise i would think this is a episode of a chessy comedy from the 1900,s it was so bad the plot the new characters everything is was god awful.

What arcs should I skip in One Piece?

While you can safely skip the episodes outlined above, one filler arc you’ll want to watch is the G-8 arc from episodes 196-206. This occurs immediately following the Sky Island Saga. Many fans see this as the best of the best in terms of the filler arcs, so it is well worth your time as a fan.

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What arcs should I watch in One Piece?

Walk to Arlong Park.

  • Crocodile’s defeat and end of Alabasta’s Civil war.
  • One punched Bellamy.
  • Sea train ride to Ennies Lobby.
  • Declaring war on World Government.
  • Luffy vs Lucci whole fight.
  • Confrontation of Whitebeard and Shanks.
  • Punching celestial dragon and talk with Rayleigh.
  • Is alabasta arc bad?

    The arc following Alabasta arc is the most boring arc of all the One Piece arcs according to me i.e. Skypiea Arc. 10\% of the people give up at this arc because of the long arc and effectively nothing significant happens to the main storyline in that arc.

    What episode is One Piece quality better?

    Things will looking decent somewhere around episode 300 or so (one piece was actually the first anime to use HD sometime in 2006 IIRC) and it will start looking modern around episode 600. Where we are now has good quality overall but they really ramp up the quality for big moments like in Luffy’s big fights.