
What is the intense world theory autism?

What is the intense world theory autism?

The Intense World Theory proposes that core elementary cognitive consequences in any child on the autistic spectrum are hyper-perception, hyper-attention, hyper-memory, and hyper-emotionality.

Does the autistic child have a theory of mind ‘?

Even though the mental age of the autistic children was higher than that of the controls, they alone failed to impute beliefs to others. Thus the dysfunction we have postulated and demonstrated is independent of mental retardation and specific to autism.

What is the difference between the weak central coherence WCC and the enhanced perceptual functioning EPF theories of autism?

The Weak Central Coherence theory (WCC; Frith, 1989) is based on the idea that autistic individuals have increased focus on the smallest possible details, and therefore experience fragmented perception such that they cannot see past these details to construct a global “big picture.” The Enhanced Perceptual Function …

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What are perceptual tasks?

perceptual learning, process by which the ability of sensory systems to respond to stimuli is improved through experience. Perceptual learning occurs through sensory interaction with the environment as well as through practice in performing specific sensory tasks.

What is the intense world syndrome?

The Intense World syndrome is a hypothesis, not a substantiated body of theory, as they acknowledge. The Intense World theory is based on work with rats involving valproic acid, a substance known to cause some cases of autism in humans.

What is the intense world theory of autism?

As you can see, the Intense World Theory flips our comprehension of autism on its head, reimagining many of the challenges autistic people face as misunderstood advantages. Admittedly, it’s a twist I certainly didn’t see coming.

What is the intense world theory in psychology?

The Neurobiological Basis of the Intense World Theory. The Intense World Theory is experimentally based on direct neuronal recordings and behavioral testing on rat offspring exposed prenatally to a single dose (500 mg/kg) of VPA on embryonic day 12.5.

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What is the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the US?

Overall, the autism prevalence in the prenatally VPA-exposed population is approximately 11–100 times higher than in the general population assuming prevalence rates of 10–91 cases per 10,000 in the general population ( Fombonne, 2006; Autism Speaks).