
What is the literal meaning of Catcher in the Rye?

What is the literal meaning of Catcher in the Rye?

The Meaning of the Title: The Catcher in the Rye. The title of The Catcher in the Rye is a reference to “Comin’ Thro the Rye,” a Robert Burns poem and a symbol for the main character’s longing to preserve the innocence of childhood. “If a body catch a body coming through the rye.”

What is the meaning of the poem Comin thro the Rye?

The line about a catcher in the rye is taken from a Robert Burns poem, “Comin’ Thro the Rye,” which Holden envisions as a literal rye field on the edge of a cliff. As Phoebe informs him, the poem actually asks “if a body meet a body coming through the rye.” In other words, there is no catcher in the rye.

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What is the loss of innocence in Catcher in the Rye?

In J.D. Salinger’s novel, Catcher In The Rye, Holden Caulfield, the main character of the novel, is a walking paradox who desires to hold onto his innocence and ,in his mind, thinks that people who lose their innocence will either turn into a “phony” or a “jerk”.

What does innocence mean in The Catcher in the Rye?

As its title indicates, the dominating theme of The Catcher in the Rye is the protection of innocence, especially of children. For most of the book, Holden sees this as a primary virtue. It is very closely related to his struggle against growing up. The people he admires all represent or protect innocence.

How do you interpret the encounter between Holden and Mr Antolini?

When Mr. Antolini touches Holden’s forehead as he sleeps, he may overstep a boundary in his display of concern and affection. However, there is little evidence to suggest that he is making a sexual overture, as Holden thinks, and much evidence that Holden misinterprets his action.

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Why does Holden not want to lose his innocence?

He seems unwilling to let go of childhood innocence. All throughout the book we see that it is only children he is really able to interact with, most notably his little sister Phoebe. It could be said that really he wishes to remain frozen in time, in an earlier, happier, simpler time – the time of childhood.

Is loss of innocence inevitable?

“The loss of innocence is inevitable, but the death of innocence disturbs the natural order. The death of innocence causes an imbalance and initiates an internal war that manifests differently in each individual, but almost always includes anger, withdrawal and severe depression.”

How is Phoebe a symbol of innocence?

Phoebe is fundamental in this tale as she serves as Holden’s symbol for the trait he seems to treasure most: innocence. She remains virtually untouched by the things that Holden has been resisting throughout his life that have threatened to taint his sense of identity.

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How does the red hunting hat symbolize innocence?

Salinger, the red hunting hat presents itself multiple times as a sign of innocence for Holden, but also a sign of uniqueness, showing Holden and the rest of society are separate from each other. The red hunting hat represents innocence as a whole but also shows the uniqueness in Holden.