
What is the main reason for the low productivity of ocean as compared to land?

What is the main reason for the low productivity of ocean as compared to land?

In ocean, there is insufficient radiation as sunlight decreases with the increasing depth which decreases the rate of photosynthesis. Decrease in rate of photosynthesis decreases the growth of aquatic plants and animals. Minerals and nutrients can also be a retarding factor based on location of the oceans.

What are the main reasons for the low productivity of ocean?

Following are the reasons for low primary productivity of Oceans:

  • Main producers are small floating autotrophic plants which are less vascular than their terrestrial counterparts.
  • Light cannot penetrate beyond certain depth in Oceans.
  • Oceans are not as rich as land in mineral composition.
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Which of the following is not a reason for low productivity in oceans?

Ocean water is not as mineral rich as the land. Minerals are essential for photosynthesis. Penetration of light cannot be the reason for low productivity as it is a healthy 250 m in ocean as compared to roughly 25 m in tropical rain-forests with thick canopies.

Why do the oceans have such low biomass values compared with the continents?

A greater proportional surface area promotes the uptake of nutrients across the cell boundary, a critical process when nutrients are scarce, likely explaining why small phytoplankton dominate the biomass in the nutrient-poor ocean.

Why are oceans considered to be a major contributor to net productivity of the planet on a global scale?

Net ecosystem production by the oceans represents the sinking of dead organisms and detritus through the water column. This accumulation represents the long-term activity of the biological pump, while continuous upwelling of deep waters returns dissolved carbon back to the ocean surface and atmosphere.

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Which ecosystem is less productive?

-Oceans contain lots of nutrients but they have no sufficient sunlight reaching in the deep areas, therefore, oceans have the least productivity among all ecosystems.

Which of the following is responsible for low productivity of aquatic?

It is because in oceans, productivity is limited by light which decreases with increasing water depth.

Why do you think the open ocean is not a productive ecosystem quizlet?

The open ocean is not a productive ecosystem because most of the ocean does not receive sunlight. The productive places in the ocean are the places where plankton can carry out photosynthesis (near the surface) or the bottom, where benthic organisms can feed off the detritus.

Why is productivity low in tropical regions?

Biological productivity is low in tropical regions because the strong thermocline prevents the mixing of waters and movement of nutrients. Polar regions have low biological production because of the lack of sunlight.

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How much of the Earth’s biomass is in oceans?

Despite dominating our planet in terms of area and volume – taking up more than 70\% of global surface area – the oceans are home to just 1\% of biomass.

Why do oceans have high productivity?

The proximity to land and its nutrient sources, the interception of sinking organic matter by the shallow seafloor, and the propensity for coastal upwelling all result in highly productive ecosystems.

Why does the ocean have high productivity?