
What is the meaning of carrying out?

What is the meaning of carrying out?

Definition of carry out (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to bring to a successful issue : complete, accomplish carried out the assignment. 2 : to put into execution carry out a plan.

What kind of word is performing?

Performing is a verb – Word Type.

What is considered a performance?

A performance is an act of staging or presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment. It is also defined as the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function.

How do you use carry out?

You should do your best to carry out your promises. He did his best to carry out the plan. You should carry out your duty. I will carry out this plan at any price.

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Does carry out mean delivery?

Carry out is, when you order in person, and get it to go. You actually carry it out. Delivery is when you order by phone, or online, and have it delivered.

What does it mean to carry out your plans?

phrasal verb. to do something that you have planned or agreed to do, especially after not being sure you want to do it.

What do you mean by performing?

to carry out; execute; do: to perform miracles. to go through or execute in the proper, customary, or established manner: to perform the marriage ceremony. to carry into effect; fulfill: Perform what you promise.

Is performing a noun?

The act of performing; carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation by action.

What is the opposite of performance?

Antonyms: cessation, deliberation, endurance, immobility, inaction, inactivity, inertia, passion (In philosophic sense), quiescence, quiet, repose, rest, suffering, suspension.

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Will carry out example?

Meaning: put something into action, to accomplish something, to do something. Example: The scientist wanted to carry out several experiments before announcing the sending of human to the planet mars.