
What is the meaning of contrastive analysis?

What is the meaning of contrastive analysis?

Contrastive analysis is the systematic study of a pair of languages with a view to identifying their structural differences and similarities. Historically it has been used to establish language genealogies.

What is comparative analysis in linguistics?

In linguistics, the comparative method is a technique for studying the development of languages by performing a feature-by-feature comparison of two or more languages with common descent from a shared ancestor and then extrapolating backwards to infer the properties of that ancestor.

What are the various types of contrastive analysis?

Since contrastive analysis can be carried out in different linguistic frameworks, there are the structural, transformational, stratificational, or systemic contrastive studies.

What is the role of contrastive analysis?

The goal of contrastive analysis is to predict linguis- tic difficulties experienced during the acquisition of a second language; as formulated by Lado (1957), it suggests that difficulties in acquiring a new (second) language are derived from the differences between the new language and the native (first) language of …

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How do you do a contrastive analysis?

A contrastive analysis must proceed through four steps: description, selection, contrast, and prediction. Most analyses are weakened by insufficient care at one or more of these steps, each of which is beset with problems.

What are the theoretical basis of contrastive analysis?

Theoretical contrastive studies produce extensive accounts of the differences and similarities between the languages contrasted. Attempts are also made at providing adequate models for cross-language comparison and at determining which elements in languages are comparable and how it should be done.

What is comparative linguistics example?

As an example of the method, English is seen to be related to Italian if a number of words that have the same meaning and that have not been borrowed are compared: piede and “foot,” padre and “father,” pesce and “fish.” The initial sounds, although different, correspond regularly according to the pattern discovered by …

What is an example of the comparative method?

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The comparative method is where the researcher collects data about different social groups (eg working-class; middle-class and upper-class) and then compares one group with another to identify what is evident in one group but not another. Durkheim’s study on suicide was an example of the comparative method.

What is error and contrastive analysis?

Contrastive Analysis of two languages in question: L1 and L2, pointing at the specific features of each language system (in its major areas: phonology, morphology, lexicology, syntax, text analysis) helps in the process of anticipation of possible difficulties with the L2 learners.

How do you conduct a contrastive analysis?

What is contrastive analysis in literature?

Contrastive analysis of hypothesis also called CA is the comparison of the linguistic system of two or more languages and it is based on the main difficulties in learning a new language that caused by interference from the first language.

What is comparative linguistics known as?

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comparative linguistics, formerly Comparative Grammar, or Comparative Philology, study of the relationships or correspondences between two or more languages and the techniques used to discover whether the languages have a common ancestor.