
What is the meaning of strict budget?

What is the meaning of strict budget?

: involving a relatively small amount of money for planned spending She started her business on a small/tight/shoestring budget and could not afford to overspend.

What is stringent condition?

Stringent laws, rules, or conditions are very severe or are strictly controlled.

What does stringency mean?

strictness; closeness; rigor: the stringency of school discipline. tightness; straitness: stringency in the money market.

What is the synonym of stringent?

Some common synonyms of stringent are rigid, rigorous, and strict. While all these words mean “extremely severe or stern,” stringent suggests severe, tight restriction or limitation.

What is another way to say tight budget?

What is another word for on a tight budget?

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extremely frugal extremely thrifty
avaricious cheap
scrimping scurvy
selfish skimping
thrifty covetous

What is a loose budget?

A loose budget focuses on the separation of standard from the not so standard. Items that fit in the standard category are: Rent + Rough Utilities. Car Payment. Credit Card Payments.

What is stringent process?

Stringent laws, rules, or conditions are very severe or are strictly controlled. [formal] He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons. Its drug-testing procedures are the most stringent in the world. Synonyms: strict, tough, rigorous, demanding More Synonyms of stringent.

How do you use stringent in a sentence?

Stringent sentence example

  1. He must furnish the proofs, which are collected according to very stringent rules.
  2. Stringent legislation controls prison labour.
  3. In 1677 the university of Caen adopted not less stringent measures against Cartesianism.

What is a stringent person?

Definition of stringent 1 : tight, constricted. 2 : marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard stringent decontamination procedures.

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What is the opposite of the word stringent?

Opposite of making strict requirements. flexible. lax. loose. relaxed.

What is the act of being frugal or saving?

Frugality is the quality of being frugal, sparing, thrifty, prudent or economical in the consumption of consumable resources such as food, time or money, and avoiding waste, lavishness or extravagance.