
What is the minimum article length for SEO?

What is the minimum article length for SEO?

If you want to create frequent content on a wide variety of topics that prompts readers to an action, shorter content (that is a minimum of 300 words) is the ideal blog post length for you. To prevent the appearance of duplicate content in Google and other search engines, aim for a minimum of 500 words per page.

How Long Should blogs be for SEO 2020?

Content with over 1,000 words do better on average in terms of ranking in search for highly relevant keywords. A good benchmark is to write content that’s around 1,000 to 1,500 words. At a minimum, blog posts should have at least 300+ words so that they won’t be labelled as having ‘thin content’.

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How long should a page of content?

The general rule of thumb for content length and density ranges greatly, from a minimum of 200 to maximum of 1,000 words per page, depending on the topic complexity and objectives. The main goal of website content is getting your message across effectively and enticing your reader to take action, while being concise.

What should be the length of the blog?

Although your blog post length may vary depending on your topic and audience, it is often best to aim for about 1,500 to 2,000 words for articles or posts. Longer pieces seem to do better when it comes to ranking on SERPs.

What should be the point of view of a good blog post?

The second-person point of view is especially effective for instructional content, such as “how-to” blog posts.

How long should a blog title be 2021?

Try to keep the headings between 3-10 words as a rule of thumb. Good headings will help you keep readers on your site longer since they will be able to navigate the blog post better and find exactly what they need, as opposed to being overwhelmed and leaving your page.

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What is an ideal blog?

For SEO, the ideal blog post length should be 2,100-2,400 words, according to HubSpot data. We averaged the length of our 50 most-read blog posts in 2019, which yielded an average word count of 2,330. Individual blog post lengths ranged from 333 to 5,581 words, with a median length of 2,164 words.

What is the ideal blog post length for SEO?

The Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO Research shows that in order to perform well in search engine rankings, all of the content that you post on your blog should contain a minimum of 300 words. Why is this you ask?

How long should a page 1 content post be?

Average content length for Page 1 results is around 1,900 words, according to a 2016 study. That’s a lot longer than the 200- or 500-word blog posts most writers or webmasters think is ideal.

How many words should be in a blog post?

This is mainly the case because a blog post needs at least this many words for you to be able to incorporate keyword research and other critical SEO optimization into content. 300 words may be the minimum ideal word count, however, research shows that posts containing more than 1,000 words rank best with search engines for many reasons.

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How many words should your content be for SEO?

To prevent the appearance of duplicate content in Google and other search engines, aim for a minimum of 500 words per page. However, if you want to create a piece of content that can really boost your SEO and user engagement, you may want to consider dedicating some extra time to creating quality, long-form content of 1,000+ words.