
What is the minimum length of a mobile number?

What is the minimum length of a mobile number?

EDIT 2015-06-27: Minimum is actually 8, including country code.

What is the length of mobile number?

The total length of all phone numbers (area code and the phone number) is constant at 10 digits. For example, the number 7513200000 signifies the area code 751 (the area code for Gwalior) followed by the phone number. Fixed-line or landline numbers are at most 8 digits long.

Which country has shortest mobile number?

Telephone numbers in Albania – Wikipedia.

Can mobile number be more than 10 digits?

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has said that as per its recommendations the country will continue with 10-digit numbering for mobile telephone services and it has categorically rejected shifting to 11-digit mobile numbering plan.

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What is the maximum length of any phone number?

15 digits
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has established a comprehensive numbering plan, designated E. 164, for uniform interoperability of the networks of its member state or regional administrations. It is an open numbering plan, however, imposing a maximum length of 15 digits to telephone numbers.

What is maximum phone number length?

In the United States and other countries participating in NANP, the maximum length of a phone number is 10 digits. Internationally, phone lengths vary, but the ITU E. 164 states that phone numbers around the globe are recommended to not be longer than 15 digits.

What is the longest phone number?

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has established a comprehensive numbering plan, designated E. 164, for uniform interoperability of the networks of its member state or regional administrations. It is an open numbering plan, however, imposing a maximum length of 15 digits to telephone numbers.

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Which country has 355 code?

– calling Albania from abroad does not change. When dialling from abroad to Albania: international access code (international prefix) followed by the country code of Albania (355) followed by the National (Significant) Number (N(S)N).

How many is India phone number?

Other Important Information about India India’s telephone numbers are made up of eight numbers split into groups of four. So if you’re going to make a call to India using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+eight-digit number.

How many digits do NZ mobile numbers have?

New Zealand’s telephone numbers are made up of 10 numbers split into groups of 3. So if you’re going to make a call to New Zealand using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+7-digit number.

How long is a US number?

United States/Dialing codes