
What is the most important parts of computer?

What is the most important parts of computer?

The most important of these components is the central processing unit (CPU), or microprocessor, which acts as the “brain” of your computer. Another component is random access memory (RAM), which temporarily stores information that the CPU uses while the computer is on.

What are the 5 most important parts of a computer?

5 parts of a computer

  • A motherboard.
  • A Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), also known as a video card.
  • Random Access Memory (RAM), also known as volatile memory.
  • Storage: Solid State Drive (SSD) or Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

What are the 4 most important parts of a computer?

The 4 main parts of a computer which ensure that users can access a wide variety of tools and services include the central processing unit, or CPU, the motherboard, the hard drive and random access memory, or RAM.

What are the 10 important parts of computer?

10 Parts that make up a Computer

  • Memory.
  • Hard Drive or Solid State Drive.
  • Video card.
  • Motherboard.
  • Processor.
  • Power Supply.
  • Monitor.
  • Keyboard and Mouse.
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What is the most important part of a computer Why is it so important?

CPU (Central Processing Unit) It is the most important part of the computer as it performs the main function of information processing. It makes all the required calculations and processes data.

What is the most important part of desktop computer?

The central processing unit (CPU), also called a processor, is located inside the computer case on the motherboard. It is sometimes called the brain of the computer, and its job is to carry out commands. Whenever you press a key, click the mouse, or start an application, you’re sending instructions to the CPU.

What is the basic part of computer?

Every computer comprises 5 basic parts, namely, a motherboard, a central processing unit, a graphics processing unit, a random access memory, and a hard disk or solid-state drive. Be it a high-end gaming computer system or be it a basic desktop system for kids, every computer consists of the afore-mentioned 5 parts.

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What is the most important part of a modern computer?

The most important piece of hardware is the microprocessor chip, which is commonly known as the central processing unit (CPU). New and slim laptop computers merge the traditional CPU and the graphics processing chip (GPU) into what is called accelerated processing unit (APU).