
What is the most lethal military branch?

What is the most lethal military branch?

The Marine Corps The U.S. Marine Corps is known as the toughest and most aggressive branch of the military but is only 1/10 of the size of the Army. Marines are also known to be the first ones called into war, and they perform many of the same duties as all of the other branches of the military.

What did MACV SOG stand for?

SOG was named in honor of a covert US Special Ops unit that fought in Vietnam. That unit was known as Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG).

Which branch of the military suffered the most casualties in Vietnam?

The Army suffered the most casualties, 38,179 or 66\% of all casualties. As a branch of the US forces, however, the Marine Corps lost the highest percentage of its own men (5.0\%) which in turn accounted for 25.5\% of all casualties. Data compiled William F. Abbott from figures obtained shortly after the construction of the Vietnam War Memorial

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How dangerous are the snakes in Vietnam?

Vietnam has so many snakes, American troops were advised to just assume they were all deadly – because most of them are. The country is filled with Cobras, Kraits, Vipers, and more. The snakes that weren’t venomous were all giant constrictors, still very capable of murdering you in your jungle sleep. Yes, troops were mauled by tigers.

What are 5 terrifying things US troops faced in Vietnam’s jungles?

5 terrifying things US troops faced in Vietnam’s jungles 1 Giant insects. As seen in the cover photo of this post, the creepy crawlers of the jungle have the space and the food necessary to grow to an insane level. 2 Weaver ants. 3 Debilitating plants. 4 Venomous snakes. 5 Large wildlife.

How many people died in the Vietnam War?

Branch Serving In V’nam \% Fatalities \% of Branch \% of All Fatalities Army 1407000 67 38,179 2.7 65.6 Marines 294000 14 14,836 5.0 25.5 Navy 126000 6 2,556 2.0 4.4 Air Force 273000 13 2,580 1.0 4.4 The figures show that of 2100000 men and women who served in V’nam, 58,152 or 2.7\% were killed.