
What is the origin of the word justified?

What is the origin of the word justified?

Like its close cousin “justice,” justification is derived from the Latin justificare, which means “to make right.” When you offer a justification, you’re trying to make something right—or, perhaps, even just.

Why is it called justify text?

justified—text is aligned along the left margin, with letter-spacing and word-spacing adjusted so that the text falls flush with both margins, also known as fully justified or full justification; centered—text is aligned to neither the left nor right margin; there is an even gap on each side of each line.

What is mean by justify alignment?

Justify, justified, justification, or full justified is text that is both left-aligned and right-aligned. As you can see, there is no ragged edge on either the left or right side of the text. To make both sides of the text straight extra spacing is added between each of the words.

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What is the meaning of justified in Word?

Definition of justified 1 : having or shown to have a just, right, or reasonable basis a justified punishment a justified reputation for toughness Such work calls for a combination of training and talent that few can lay justified claim to …— Bernard Knox.

What type of word is justified?

verb (used with object), jus·ti·fied, jus·ti·fy·ing. to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means. to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don’t try to justify his rudeness.

What is the root word of glorify?

mid-14c., “praise, honor, extol” (God or a person), also “vaunt, be proud of, boast of; glorify oneself, be proud, boast;” from Old French glorefiier “glorify, extol, exalt; glory in, boast” (Modern French glorifier), from Late Latin glorificare “to glorify,” from Latin gloria “fame, renown, praise, honor” (see glory ( …

Which is the default alignment in the Word?

left- align
Default settings in Microsoft Word will left- align your text, but there are many other ways to format a document’s alignment.

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What is text alignment in MS Word?

Text alignment is a word processing software feature that allows users to horizontally align text on a page/document. It enables the composition of a text document using different text positioning on the whole or selected part of a page.

How do you justify text in Word Mobile?

To align the paragraph to the center, tap Align center. To align the text to the right, tap Align right. To make the paragraph justified, tap Justified.

What does the word justified mean in the Greek?

The term is a translation of the Greek dikaiōsis (Latin: justificatio), originally a technical legal term derived from the verb “to make [someone] righteous.” Justification has had importance in the history of the church and of theology since the time of St. Paul.

Is Glorifiable a word?

1. To give glory, honor, or high praise to; exalt. 2.