
What is the problem with the NHS?

What is the problem with the NHS?

The NHS grapples with considerable challenges such as long waiting lists, staff shortages and a population that is getting older and sicker with increasing rates of chronic diseases such as type-2 diabetes and dementia.

Why did doctors not like the NHS?

Opposition to the NHS Even more serious was the opposition of doctors who disliked the idea of becoming employees of the state. Doctors were in an extremely powerful position, as without them the National Health Service (NHS) could not operate, and the government was forced to make a number of compromises.

What opposition was there to the NHS?

The BMA , who feared that doctors employed by the NHS, would lose income. Many local authorities and voluntary bodies, which ran hospitals, also objected as they feared they would lose control over them. Many people such as Winston Churchill and many Conservative MPs thought that the cost of the NHS would be too great.

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Is the NHS really that good?

The NHS leads the world in terms of equity of access and ensuring people don’t suffer financial hardship when they are ill. It also performs well in managing long term conditions like diabetes and kidney disease and is relatively efficient compared to other health systems.

What are the biggest issues in healthcare today?

8 Major Problems With the U.S. Healthcare System

  • Preventable Medical Errors.
  • Poor Amenable Mortality Rates.
  • Lack of Transparency.
  • Difficulty Finding a Good Doctor.
  • High Costs of Care.
  • A Lack of Insurance Coverage.
  • The Nursing and Physician Shortage.
  • A different perspective on solving the shortage crisis.

What to do if NHS is not helping?

Contact your local citizens’ advice bureau for support with complaints about the NHS, social services or local authorities. Most hospitals have a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), who provide confidential advice, support and information to patients, their families and carers.

What problems did the NHS face in 1948?

In 1948, we had a vast and ineffective service of tuberculosis hospitals based on the norm of one bed for every two annual deaths. Death came from infectious disease, not from our lifestyle. Our resources are now bent to these new objectives.

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Why was the NHS needed?

The NHS Act, brought before parliament in 1946, was created as part of a social welfare policy under Clement Atlee’s Labour government which aimed to provide universal and free benefits to all those in need. The service was based on recommendations in the 1942 Beveridge report which called for a state welfare system.

What resistance was there to the formation of the NHS?

There was a fiece battle to get it established.In 1946 the Doctors voted 10:1 against. Churchill’s Tories voted against the formation of the NHS 21 times before the act was passed, including both the Second and Third reading.

What are the disadvantages of the NHS?


  • Much more expensive than expected – in 1st month NHS number of prescriptions increased from 6.8 million to 13.6 million.
  • Advancement of treatments made it very expensive and specialist staff had to be hired.

What’s good about working for the NHS?

You develop personally As an NHS worker, you become a stronger person who can handle high-pressure situations. Through your job role and experience, you develop your conversational skills, confidence, self-knowledge, resilience, determination, and so much more.