
What is the purpose of pig in Hadoop?

What is the purpose of pig in Hadoop?

Pig is a high level scripting language that is used with Apache Hadoop. Pig enables data workers to write complex data transformations without knowing Java. Pig’s simple SQL-like scripting language is called Pig Latin, and appeals to developers already familiar with scripting languages and SQL.

What is the main feature or advantage of pig programming?

Features of Pig Ease of programming − Pig Latin is similar to SQL and it is easy to write a Pig script if you are good at SQL. Optimization opportunities − The tasks in Apache Pig optimize their execution automatically, so the programmers need to focus only on semantics of the language.

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Why do we use pig?

Pig is a high-level data flow system that renders you a simple language platform popularly known as Pig Latin that can be used for manipulating data and queries. Pig is used by Microsoft, Yahoo and Google, to collect and store large data sets in the form of web crawls, clickstreams, and search logs.

What are the features of pig?

The Features of Apache Pig are as follows,

  • Rich set of operators. Apache pig has a rich collection set of operators in order to perform operations like join, filer, and sort.
  • Ease of Programming.
  • Optimization opportunities.
  • Extensibility.
  • User Define Functions (UDF’s)
  • Handles all types of data.
  • ETL (Extract Transform Load)

What does pig uses in comparison to SQL?

It is an open source project that provides a simple language Pig Latin that manipulates and queries the data. It is quite easy to learn and use Pig if you are aware of SQL. It provides the use of nested data types- Tuples, Maps, Bags, etc. and supports data operations like Joins, Filters, and Ordering.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of Pig?

Apache Pig Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Less development time.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Procedural language.
  • Dataflow.
  • Easy to control execution.
  • UDFs.
  • Lazy evaluation.
  • Usage of Hadoop features.

What is the disadvantages of Pig?

Viral Disease Pork can become contaminated during slaughter, improper handling, leaving meat out for more than two hours or not cooking it long enough. Cooking is needed to destroy bacteria, but refrigeration slows the growth of bacteria. Resistant bacteria are another disadvantage of pork. Resistant strains of E.

Why pig is a good choice?

Pigs are playful, friendly, sensitive, and intelligent animals. They’ve long been considered smarter than dogs, and the complexity of their social lives rivals those of primates. Much like people, pigs are soothed by music, love playing ball, and even enjoy getting massages.

Can pig handle unstructured data?

Another advantage of Pig is that it can easily work on raw data. Unlike other big data analytics tools, Pig is the most efficient tool that can work on any sort of unstructured, semi- structured, and structured data.