
What is the purpose of the lead apron?

What is the purpose of the lead apron?

Lead aprons are used in medical facilities to protect workers and patients from unnecessary x-ray radiation exposure from diagnostic radiology procedures. A lead (or lead equivalent) apron is a protective garment which is designed to shield the body from harmful radiation, usually in the context of medical imaging.

Are lead aprons necessary?

Lead aprons offer little protection during X-rays. That’s now an outdated practice: The American Association of Physicists in Medicine no longer supports shielding patients’ reproductive organs and fetuses during imaging studies that use radiation, such as X-rays and CT scans.

When should a lead apron be worn in dental radiography?

With well-designed and optimized equipment and procedures there is no need for routine use of lead aprons for the patient in dental radiology. Lead aprons may provide some protection in the rare case of the vertex occlusal examination, especially in a patient who is, or may be, pregnant.

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Why does lead absorb radiation?

It is lead’s density and large number of electrons, which make it particularly suited to scattering x-rays and gamma-rays. These rays from photons, a type of boson, impart energy onto electrons upon contact. When the radiation attempts to pass through lead, its electrons absorb and scatter the energy.

Why do radiographers wear lead aprons?

Purpose: There is a general necessity to minimize patients’ radiation dose. It has been accepted practice for patients undergoing chest X-ray examination to wear lead half-aprons. Measurements were made to establish the necessity of such shielding when modern X-ray equipment with good collimation is used.

How effective is lead apron?

Lead aprons are very effective at absorbing diagnostic x rays to the parts of the body shielded by the apron. Their effectiveness is energy dependent but averages around 90–95 percent. Leaded aprons are worn as good radiation safety practice and in keeping with the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) concept.

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How do lead aprons protect?

So the lead apron protects people by absorbing the x-ray energy before the x ray can get to the body and start knocking electrons around.