
What is the radius of curvature of the earth?

What is the radius of curvature of the earth?

All three values are about 6,371 kilometres (3,959 mi). Other ways to define and measure the Earth radius involve the radius of curvature….

Earth radius
1 R🜨 in … … is equal to …
SI base unit 6.3781×106 m
Metric system 6,357 to 6,378 km
English units 3,950 to 3,963 mi

How do you calculate a curve?

The Chord is the distance straight across the curve, measuring straight across from point to point. This measurement should be made with a flat ruler. To measure the depth of the curve, take one half of the chord measurement and at that point measure to the top of the curve.

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How do you find the curve of something?

You can determine the degree of any curve by first finding the circumference of a circle. Multiply the radius of any circle by π, a numerical constant that begins with 3.142, and represents the relationship between a circle’s diameter to its circumference. Multiply that product by 2.

How Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s circumference?

Eratosthenes then measured the angle of a shadow cast by a stick at noon on the summer solstice in Alexandria, and found it made an angle of about 7.2 degrees, or about 1/50 of a complete circle. Eratosthenes then used this to calculate the circumference of the Earth to be about 250,000 stadia.

How do you calculate the radius of the Earth?

Compute the radius of the earth using the formula C (circumference) = 2 x pi x r (radius). Erastosthenes’ formula would look like this: 39,350 = 2 x 3.14 x r, or 6,267 kilometers.

How do you find the radius of a curve?

Push the straight edge up to the inside of the curve. At the middle of the straight edge, measure the distance from straight edge to curve—called “rise on chord” or “mid-ordinate.” Use the geometry: Radius = ½ (rise² + ¼ chord²) / rise.

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How do you find the radius of a curve in physics?

Radius of curvature is governed by a=v2/r. The radius of curvature thus calculated is good at that instant only, since ‘v’ will continue to increase; and, if ‘a’ remains constant, change ‘r’.