
What is the ratio of the speed of the boat in still water and the stream?

What is the ratio of the speed of the boat in still water and the stream?

The ratio of speed of boat in still water to speed of stream is 8 : 1.

What is the speed of the boat while going downstream?

When the boat goes downstream then the speed will be (b + w) km/hr as in this case the water will take the boat along with it. When the boat goes upstream then the speed will be (b – w) km/hr as in this case the water will offer resistance to the boat. Adding the two equations, we get 2b = d + u.

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What is the speed of the boat going downstream if its speed in still water is 6 km HR?

The speed of a boat in still water is 6 kmph and the speed of the stream is 1.5 kmph. A man rows to a place at a distance of 22.5 km and comes back to the starting point….Correct Option: D.

Time = Distance

How do you calculate upstream and downstream?

Upstream and Downstream – Formula

  1. Upstream = (u−v) km/hr, where “u” is the speed of the boat in still water and “v” is the speed of the stream.
  2. Downstream = (u+v)Km/hr, where “u” is the speed of the boat in still water and “v” is the speed of the stream.
  3. Speed of Boat in Still Water = ½ (Downstream Speed + Upstream Speed)

What is upstream and downstream in water?

Stream- The water that is moving in the river is called a stream. Upstream- When the boat is flowing in the opposite direction of the stream, it is called Upstream. Downstream- When the boat is flowing in the same direction as the stream, it is called Downstream.

What is upstream and downstream of boat?

Stream – The moving water in a river is called a stream. Upstream – If the boat is flowing in the opposite direction to the stream, it is called upstream. In this case, the net speed of the boat is called the upstream speed. Downstream – If the boat is flowing along the direction of the stream, it is called downstream.

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What is upstream and downstream flow?

Upstream means that the object is going opposite to the flow of the river. In this case you have to subtract the speed of the given object in still water from the speed of flow of the stream. Downstream means that the object is flowing along the river and in this case you have to add the speed.

What is the speed of the boat going downstream if its speed in still water is 6 km per hour and its upstream speed is 5 km per hour?

Speed of the stream is 3.6 km/hr.

What is the speed of a boat downstream?

The speed of a boat downstream is 15 km/hr. and the speed of current is 3 km/hr. Find the total time taken by the boat to cover 15 km upstream and 15 km downstream. If a sailer sails 12 km distance within 5 hours against the flow of a river. If he sails 22 km distance in same time along the flow of the river.

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How fast can a woman row upstream and downstream?

A woman can row upstream at 16 km/hr and downstream at 26 km/hr. What is the speed of the stream? Q 4. A speedboat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream and comes back in a total of 4 hours 30 minutes.

What is the distance of the boat from the starting place?

If the speed of the boat in still water and the stream are 10 km/hr and 4 km/hr respectively, the distance of the destination from the starting place is: 1). Two boats A and B start towards each other from two places, 108 km apart. Speed of the boat A and B in still water are 12 km/ hr and 15 km/ hr respectively.

What will be the speed of the boat in 1 hour?

In one hour, a boat goes 13 km/hr in the direction of the stream and 7 km/hr against the direction of the stream. What will be the speed of the boat in still water? Q 3. A woman can row upstream at 16 km/hr and downstream at 26 km/hr.