
What is the registration of paper?

What is the registration of paper?

1(Chiefly in plural) a document certifying registration; (also) a document or form which must be completed in order to register for something. 2The paper (usually in a roll) on which a scientific instrument such as a seismograph records its measurements.

Why is registration important in an edition of prints?

Registration provides the means and the markings to assure that the portion of the finished image printed in each ink color aligns precisely with the others.

What is a registration error printing?

In the printing industry, print registration errors can be a costly problem. These errors occur when overlapping colors of a single image are out of alignment, resulting in an image that is blurry or fuzzy. This is also called being “out of register”.

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How do I register a magazine?

office of Registrar of Newspapers for India

  1. STEP 1: VERIFICATION OF TITLE. The publisher should get the required title verified after applying online as per the procedure and guidelines for title verification.

What does off register mean?

When something is printed out of register, it means that the various colors did not align correctly.

What is three point register system?

Three-point registration is a technique used to attain consistent and repeatable placement of colors printed onto a substrate as well as the final cut of that printed substrate in the same consistent and repeatable manner.

What does registered in error mean?

Registration errors occur when you attempt, but are unsuccessful, to complete a change in Web Registration prior to a posted deadline. Registration petitions are for registration errors. They are not to be used for GPA or financial purposes.

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What is a registration mark used for?

A printer uses Registration Marks to align the separate colours of ink when printing a page with more than one colour, Since each colour of ink used in printing is applied with a separate set of rollers to a separate printing plate, Registration Marks are crucial for accurate alignment.

How do I register for RNI?


  1. Log onto RNI official website
  2. Read carefully the guidelines for title verification under “RNI Guidelines”.
  3. Click on the link Online Title Application on the home page of the website.
  4. Read carefully the instructions for filling online application and proceed to apply.