
What is the relation between acceleration and displacement of a body executing SHM?

What is the relation between acceleration and displacement of a body executing SHM?

UR (a) The relation between the acceleration a and displacement y of a particle executing SHM is a =- y, where p and q are positive constants.

What is the phase difference between the displacement and velocity of a particle performing SHM starting from mean position?

Therefore, the phase difference between displacement and velocity is $\dfrac{\pi }{2}$. The oscillation of a mass suspended on a string, simple pendulum, etc. are examples of simple harmonic motions.

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What is the phase difference between displacement and velocity of the particle executing SHM?

Therefore, for a particle executing Simple Harmonic Motion, the phase difference between velocity and displacement is equal to $\dfrac{\pi }{2}$ radian.

What is the phase difference between velocity and displacement of a particle executing SHM?

Which of the following is relation between acceleration and displacement?

Solution : In S.H.M., acceleration a is related to displacement by the relation of the form `a=-kx`, which is for relation (c).

What is the phase difference between the displacement and velocity the displacement and acceleration of a particle performing SHM starting from the extreme position?

Therefore, the phase difference between displacement and acceleration is π.

What is phase difference between velocity and acceleration?

This implies that Velocity is 90∘(0.5π) out phase with the displacement and the acceleration is 90∘(0.5π) out phase with the velocity but 180∘(π) out of phase with displacement.

What is phase difference between the displacement and velocity?

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Hence phase difference between displacement and velocity is 90 degrees or pi/2 radians.

Which of the following represent the correct relation between displacement velocity and diameter of the particle?

Explanation: Displacement velocity is given by v1 = (8Bg (G-1) d/f)1/2 where B is a constant with value range 0.04-0.06, G is specific gravity, d is the diameter of the particle and f is the Darcy Weisbach friction factor.

Which of the following relationships between the force F and the displacement?

Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion or oscillation motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement and acts in the direction opposite to that of displacement. ∴ F = -7x is the correct option.

What is the phase difference between acceleration and velocity?