
What is the relation of selectivity with Q factor?

What is the relation of selectivity with Q factor?

Selectivity of a resonant circuit is defined as the ratio of resonant frequency fr to the half power bandwidth. The quality factor Q is defined as the ratio of the resonant frequency to the bandwidth, i.e.

What does quality factor Q of a resonant circuit signify?

The Q factor is the energy stored per unit cycle to the energy dissipated per cycle. Higher the Q factor means more energy is stored. The quality factor controls the damping of oscillations. It is underdamped if the Q factor is less than half.

What is the Q factor of a selective circuit?

Explanation: Q=Resonance frequency / Bandwidth. Higher the quality factor, sharper the peak of resonance curve. Explanation: In selective circuits, the resonant frequency lies in the midpoint of the bandwidth frequency range.

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What is selectivity in RLC circuit?

The selectivity of an RLC circuit is the ability of the circuit to respond to a certain frequency and discriminate against all other frequencies. If the band of frequencies to be selected or rejected is narrow, the quality factor of the resonant circuit must be high.

What is the significance of Q factor in LCR series and parallel resonance circuit and obtain its expression?

A low Q due to a high resistance in series with the inductor produces a low peak on a broad response curve for a parallel resonant circuit. A high Q is due to a low resistance in series with the inductor. This produces a higher peak in the narrower response curve.

What do you mean by selectivity of circuit?

What is selectivity in electrical engineering?

What is “selectivity”? Complete selectivity means that the protective devices will minimize effect of a short circuit or other undesirable event on the power system. The amount of the power system that must be shut down in response to the event is kept to the absolute minimum.