
What is the shortest distance between two points called?

What is the shortest distance between two points called?

The shortest distance between two points is the length of a so-called geodesic between the points. In the case of the sphere, the geodesic is a segment of a great circle containing the two points.

Is the shortest distance between two points really a straight line?

No, a straight line isn’t always the shortest distance between two points. The shortest distance between two points depends on the geometry of the object/surface in question. The shortest distance between two points actually depends on the geometry of the object in question.

What is the shortest distance between a point and a line segment?

In Euclidean geometry, the distance from a point to a line is the shortest distance from a given point to any point on an infinite straight line. It is the perpendicular distance of the point to the line, the length of the line segment which joins the point to nearest point on the line.

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When we say shortest between two points is it always mean straight line?

The shortest distance between two points on the sphere is not a straight line.

What is the distance between two points called in math?

In mathematics, the Euclidean distance between two points in Euclidean space is the length of a line segment between the two points. It can be calculated from the Cartesian coordinates of the points using the Pythagorean theorem, therefore occasionally being called the Pythagorean distance.

What does distance formula mean in math terms?

distance formula, Algebraic expression that gives the distances between pairs of points in terms of their coordinates (see coordinate system). In two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space, the distance formulas for points in rectangular coordinates are based on the Pythagorean theorem.

What is the fastest route between two points?

A Brachistochrone curve is the fastest path for a ball to roll between two points that are at different heights. A ball can roll along the curve faster than a straight line between the points. The curve will always be the quickest route regardless of how strong gravity is or how heavy the object is.

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What is the fastest way from point A to point B?

The fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line.