
What is the strongest subclass in Destiny 2?

What is the strongest subclass in Destiny 2?

Stormcaller is arguably the best Destiny 2 subclass for dealing out damage to packs of weak enemies. It will chew through Thrall, Psions, and red-barred enemies with comical ease with a super that feels like it lasts forever.

What is the best subclass for Hunter in Destiny 2 PvP?

Revenant Hunter That’s the Hunter Revenant in a nutshell and all of those reasons are why it’s at the top of our list for the best PvP and Trials of Osiris subclasses in Destiny 2.

What is a good subclass for Hunter pso2?

With only two pure melee classes in the game currently, it makes sense that Fighter is the best sub-class for Hunter. Fighter boosts damage, rounding out Hunter for solo missions while being able to stand with other classes’ damage output on Urgent Quests.

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Who is the strongest hunter in Destiny 2?

Destiny: 13 Strongest Guardians, Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful

  • 8 Ana Bray.
  • 7 Shin Malphur.
  • 6 Saladin Forge.
  • 5 Lady Efrideet.
  • 4 Shaxx.
  • 3 Ikora.
  • 2 Osiris.
  • 1 Saint-14.

What is a good subclass for Summoner PSO2?

Phantom is far and away the best choice of subclass for Summoner. Poor PP recovery and high damage variance are some of Summoner’s most major issues, and Phantom addresses both these issues while also offering great multipliers for pet damage.

What is the best class PSO2?

Ranger class is one of the best and easiest to pick up in PSO2 as all you have to do is line up enemies in your sight and take them down one by one. This class has the power to eliminate threats even before they become threats and have your melee-based and close-ranged teammates not be overwhelmed.

What subclass is best for Hunter PSO2?

Hunter. With only two pure melee classes in the game currently, it makes sense that Fighter is the best sub-class for Hunter. Fighter boosts damage, rounding out Hunter for solo missions while being able to stand with other classes’ damage output on Urgent Quests.