
What is the subject in the basket is full of mangoes?

What is the subject in the basket is full of mangoes?

What is said about the subject is called Predicate. Subject. In the same sentences is full of mangoes, is drinking tea, gets up at 7 o’clock tells something about the Subject (basket, Rajni, Bahadur) so they are called Predicate.

What is the subject in Sweet are the uses of adversity?

The uses of adversity’ is the subject here. ‘Sweet’ is the adjective complement for the subject. ‘Sweet’ an adjective of quality used as a noun is the subject of the verb. And the remaining portion i.e ‘ are the uses of adversity’ is predicate.

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What is error of proximity in subject verb agreement?

A verb must agree with its subject in number and person. Often due to ‘Error of Proximity’, the verb is made to agree in number with a noun near it instead of with its proper subject.

What is subject and predicate in the girl wearing a red frock is my sister?

predicate- wearing a red frock, is my sister. predicate- were throwing stones at birds. predicate- are the highest mountains in the world.

What is subject and predicate in a thing of beauty is a joy forever?

Answer: Subject:- A thing of beauty. Predicate:- is a joy for ever. Hope it helps.

Does she change mangoes into passive voice?

Answer: Did the Mangos are liked by her.

How many mangoes are there in the basket?

There are five mangoes in the basket. Each child got two chocolates. These are to determine the class or present the position of the subject in the sentence. E.g. First, Second, Last, next etc. Raman stood first in the long jump. Sushil was the last to receive the prize. A determiner is used to modify a noun.

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What is the subject of the sentence “the girl and her mother”?

In the sentence “The girl and her mother are laughing,” the subject is The girl and her mother . B. Blue/Getty Images Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks.

What is the subject part of a sentence called?

(The other main part is the predicate.) The subject is sometimes called the naming part of a sentence or clause. The subject usually appears before the predicate to show (a) what the sentence is about, or (b) who or what performs the action. As shown below, the subject is commonly a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase.