
What is the synonym and antonym of improve?

What is the synonym and antonym of improve?

advance, ameliorate, amend, better, cleanse, correct, emend, make better, meliorate, mend, mitigate, purify, rectify, reform, repair. Antonyms: aggravate, blemish, corrupt, debase, depress, deteriorate, harm, impair, injure, mar, spoil, tarnish, vitiate.

What is the synonym for improve?

Some common synonyms of improve are ameliorate, better, and help. While all these words mean “to make more acceptable or to bring nearer a standard,” improve and better are general and interchangeable and apply to what can be made better whether it is good or bad.

What is another word for opposite in English?

What is another word for opposite?

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conflicting contrary
antithetical differing
inconsistent irreconcilable
unlike dissimilar
polar contrasted

What is the opposite of from in English?

What is the opposite of from?

until into
to toward
towards through
up until about
as far as down to

Which word from the passage has the antonym improve enhance *?

Explanation: Advance is the antonym of “Improve”.

What is another word for improvement plan?

In this page you can discover 79 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for improvement, like: emendation, amelioration, betterment, reform, advance, amendment, growth, advancement, rise, furtherance and progression.

What is the verb of improve?

Full Definition of improve transitive verb. 1a : to enhance in value or quality : make better. b : to increase the value of (land or property) by making it more useful for humans (as by cultivation or the erection of buildings) c : to grade and drain (a road) and apply surfacing material other than pavement.

How do you say new and improved?


  1. altered.
  2. changed.
  3. improved.
  4. redesigned.
  5. refreshed.
  6. regenerated.
  7. renewed.
  8. revived.
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What is the opposite of under in English?

Antonym of Under

Word Antonym
Under Over
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.