
What is the TraffickCam app?

What is the TraffickCam app?

That’s where TraffickCam comes in. It’s a simple phone app that uses crowdsourced snapshots of hotel rooms to help law enforcement locate victims and prosecute sex traffickers.

Is Walksafe used for trafficking?

No, this app designed to help women walk safely is not being used for human trafficking.

How do you track human trafficking?

If you are a human trafficking victim or have information about a potential trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-373-7888 or text 233733.

What is the human trafficking?

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Traffickers might use violence, manipulation, or false promises of well-paying jobs or romantic relationships to lure victims into trafficking situations.

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How reliable is WalkSafe?

The WalkSafe map has accurate and verified police data posted using the latest monthly police reports. So the map has around 31 days of crime data from the previous month. The value of the map is regularly looking for patterns of repeated crime hotspots in your local area.

Is the WalkSafe app safe?

According to the app, areas are deemed unsafe because users had reported crimes such as sexual assaults happening in the last 5 days or knife crimes. The app allows users to tap in and alert their friends and family where they are at all times.

Who stops human trafficking?

Although January is when the country marks National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the FBI and our partners work to ferret out and arrest human traffickers every day. And while putting a stop to trafficking is key, the FBI also works to help victims get the services they need to recover.

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Who is most at risk for human trafficking?

According to Enrile, anyone can fall victim to human trafficking. However, vulnerable populations who have little social and legal protection are the most at risk. The majority of victims are women—70 percent—and risk for women may be heightened further in areas where extreme gender discrimination prevails.

Why are people trafficked?

While the best-known form of human trafficking is for the purpose of sexual exploitation, hundreds of thousands of victims are trafficked for the purposes of forced labour, domestic servitude, child begging or the removal of their organs.

What is the best safety app?

Best personal safety apps

  • bSafe (available on iOS and Android)
  • Hollie Guard (available on iOS and Android)
  • Walk Safe (available on iOS and Android)
  • Red Panic Button (available on iOS and Android)
  • One Scream (available on iOS and Android)
  • Life360 (available on iOS and Android)
  • Kitestring.

Is WalkSafe a verified app?

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The WalkSafe map has accurate and verified police data posted as icons every 3 days from monthly police reports. You should use the map regularly to look for patterns of repeated crime hotspots in your local area.