
What is the use of Biochemic tablet?

What is the use of Biochemic tablet?

SBL Calcarea Fluorica Biochemic Tablet is an effective homoeopathic remedy which is used for the treatment of varicose veins, issues associated with piles and for the corrected of blurred vision.

What is Biochemic homeopathic medicine?

Bio Combination (BC) medicines are homeopathic combinations which contain salts developed by Dr. Schuessler. The body contains around 12 biochemical minerals. Any imbalance in these minerals can create a favourable environment for bacterial growth and increase the risk of illness.

What is magnesium phosphoricum 6X used for?

Mag phos. is a mineral supplement to restore energy and begin the regeneration of the body’s nerves and muscles. It deals with the recovery of any nerve injury or nerve damage. Key Benefits: Relieve dysentery with cramp like pains and flatulent colic.

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What is the basic principle of the Biochemic system?

Biochemic System of Medicine functions on the two distinct principles: First, filling up the deficiency of the cell salts. Second, Principle of Hormesis. Biochemic medicine or treatment system based strictly on the principles of biochemistry was a great breakthrough for mankind.

Which Homeopathic medicine is best for sleeplessness?

Primary Remedies

  • Coffea cruda. This remedy relieves sleeplessness with worries, overactive thoughts, and hypersensitivity to pain.
  • Nux vomica.
  • Silicea (also called Silica)
  • Sulphur.
  • Staphysagria.
  • Aconitum apellus.
  • Arnica montana.
  • Arsenicum album.

How long should you take tissue salts for?

Dosage and How to take the tissue salts: For prevention or treatment of a chronic symptom, 4 to 8 tablets/moulds of a tissue salts are dissolved in the mouth 3-6 times daily. In acute cases one takes a tablet every 5 minutes, until the condition is better, but not more than a whole day.

What are the side effects of tissue salts?

Phosphate salts can irritate the digestive tract and cause stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, headache, tiredness, and other problems.