
What is the word that means God like?

What is the word that means God like?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for godlike, like: deific, divine, supernatural, heavenly, holy, superhuman, celestial, godly, religion, god-like and transcendant. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

What does it mean for a human to be Godlike?

Someone who’s godlike is so wonderful, beautiful, or good that they resemble a god. To very young children, many adults seem godlike simply because they are large and powerful.

What does it mean to be saintly?

A saintly person behaves in a very good or very holy way. [approval] …his saintly mother. She has been saintly in her self-restraint. Synonyms: virtuous, godly, holy, religious More Synonyms of saintly.

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What is the word for being everywhere?

Ubiquitous comes to us from the noun ubiquity, meaning “presence everywhere or in many places simultaneously.” Ubiquity first appeared in print in the late 16th century, but ubiquitous didn’t make an appearance until 1830. (Another noun form, ubiquitousness, arrived around 1874.)

What is a synonym for transcendent?

superior, supreme, consummate, predominant, pre-eminent, ascendant, paramount, superlative, unique, unsurpassed, incomparable, unrivalled, unequalled, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, second to none. excellent, excelling, great, magnificent. average, mediocre.

What is the meaning of deification?

(deɪɪfɪkeɪʃən , US diː- ) uncountable noun. If you talk about the deification of someone or something, you mean that they are regarded with very great respect and are not criticized at all.

What is the antonym of God like?

“Homer was warned that the Krusty doll came with a free frozen yogurt that was cursed.”…What is the opposite of godlike?

mortal earthly
profane vile
secular worldly

What are the saintly qualities?

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In general, saints are believed to be good examples of how people should live, or what people should do. Saintly Qualities Examples may include: holy, kind, humble, respectful, obedient, loving, caring, brave, compassionate, selfless person, help others, never do anything that can hurt anyone, forgiving.

What does the term well grounded mean?

English Language Learners Definition of well-grounded : having good training in a subject or activity. : well-founded.