
What is Undulatus Asperatus?

What is Undulatus Asperatus?

Undulatus means wavy and asperatus translates as agitated or roughed, so the name is Latin for “agitated waves.” (MORE: 10 Amazing Clouds)

Are Undulatus Asperatus clouds rare?

Asperitas (formerly referred to as Undulatus Asperitas) is a distinctive, but relatively rare cloud formation that takes the appearance of rippling waves. These wave-like structures form on the underside of the cloud to makes it look like a rough sea surface when viewed from below.

How does Undulatus Asperatus form?

Those are undulatus asperatus (agitated or turbulent wave) clouds, a type of cloud that is starting to get consideration as a wholly new category. From what I can tell, they are formed when there’s rising air that creates wide-spread cloud cover, together with wind shear that blows across the rising air.

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Where are the clouds in Asperitas?

Your Best Chance To See Asperitas Clouds While asperitas clouds have been observed around the world from Alabama to New Zealand, seeing these dramatic clouds is quite rare. Most sightings have one thing in common though—disturbed weather.

What causes undulatus clouds?

The High Pressure in place to our north produced a lighter surface wind from northeast to southwest. Winds at different speeds above and below clouds are what cause the undulating part.

How are Altostratus undulatus clouds formed?

Altostratus is formed by the lifting of a large mostly stable air mass that causes invisible water vapor to condense into cloud. Altostratus most often takes the form of a featureless sheet of cloud but can be wavy (undulatus) as a result of wind shear through the cloud.

What are billow clouds?

: a long narrow cloud or usually a series of such clouds roughly parallel to each other caused by the flow of one layer of air over another producing waves at their interface the relatively cold crests of which are cloud-capped and their relatively warm troughs clear when the humidity is just right.

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What does a cirrostratus cloud do?

Cirrostratus clouds are thin, white clouds that cover the whole sky like a veil. These clouds are most commonly seen in the winter, and can cause the appearance of a halo around the sun or the moon. Weather prediction: Rain or snow will arrive within 24 hours!

What level is the altostratus cloud?

middle cloud level
Definition: Sheet of featureless, gray clouds in the middle cloud level capable of masking the sun. Description & Characteristics. Altostratus clouds are found in the middle cloud level.

What do undulatus clouds indicate?

The wavy strips of clouds are generally near an inversion surface. Also referred to as billow clouds, wind row clouds, or wave clouds, variations of the undulatus can be elements that have merged or single elements that have stretched through the sky.