
What is virtual gas pipeline?

What is virtual gas pipeline?

Virtual pipelines bring regular deliveries of gas to customers lying outside the reach of existing gas distribution infrastructure. Facilitated by sophisticated transport logistics software, distribution companies replicate by road, rail, waterways or oceanic transport, the regular flow of gas from a pipeline.

What is virtual LNG pipeline?

Virtual pipelines are used for the distribution of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Fuel is supplied by cryogenic tanks or containers that allow natural gas to be transported in a liquid state (at -162 ° C) occupying a reduced space (1/600 times vs. gaseous state).

What is the point of a pipeline?

Pipelines transport crude oil and gas to refineries for processing into the products we use every day. From there, pipelines transport these products through an enormous pipeline infrastructure providing fuel for our cars, trucks, planes, and ships. Gas is also used for heating homes and businesses and cooking food.

How do pipelines help the economy?

Oil and natural gas pipelines fuel America’s economy. Today, millions of miles of pipelines around the nation safely deliver fuels and manufacturing feedstocks that American consumers, businesses, and industry use daily.

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How do pipelines help people?

Pipelines bring you essential energy Access to energy enables all of us to live healthier, longer, more prosperous lives. Think of all the things that would not be possible without reliable sources of energy — for example our food production, education, medical care, communications, science and technology.

How does oil move through a pipeline?

The oil is moved through the pipelines by pump stations along the pipeline. Natural gas (and similar gaseous fuels) are pressurized into liquids known as Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). Hydrogen pipeline transport is the transportation of hydrogen through a pipe.