
What job can I do with SPM?

What job can I do with SPM?

Best 12 Part-Time Jobs To Do While Waiting for SPM Results

  1. Fast-food restaurant staff. Image source: The Malaysian Reserve.
  2. Promoter.
  3. Kindergarten teacher.
  4. Supermarket clerk.
  5. Home tutoring.
  6. Front desk receptionist.
  7. Freelancer.
  8. Food delivery rider.

How can I bring Malaysian worker to Singapore?

Work pass holders who meet all of these conditions:

  1. Have an issued work pass, i.e. not on in-principle approval ( IPA )
  2. Are Malaysians or Malaysia PRs.
  3. Entering Singapore by land.
  4. Staying in Singapore for at least 90 days for work.

What should I do if I failed my SPM?

Pursue diploma or certificate courses. If you’re missing a couple of credits from your SPM slip, you can also consider other pathways, such as pursuing a diploma or certificate. After all, they can still lead you to selected degree courses. A diploma only requires 3 credits at SPM.

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What should I do while waiting for SPM result?

6 Things You Can Do While Waiting for Your SPM Result

  • Watch movies/TV Show related to your future course.
  • Travel.
  • Volunteer.
  • Join short online course.
  • Go to education fair/expo.
  • Consult with our best consultant.

How long is quarantine in Malaysia?

All international arrival passengers with onward connection to following domestic station and have obtained “Home Quarantine” approval can continue their journey. They will be given the quarantine wristband/ surveillance bracelets upon arrival at the destination’s airport and undergo a 7-days quarantine period.

How can I start working in Singapore?

This guide will walk you through 8 steps for finding a job in Singapore.

  1. Check your eligibility to work in Singapore.
  2. Choose a thriving industry.
  3. Understand common employment practices.
  4. Find a job in Singapore through online search.
  5. Meet with an employment agency.
  6. Meet people.
  7. Apply for your work visa.
  8. Get ready to move.

Can I go to college if I fail SPM?

Pursue diploma or certificate courses. If you’re missing a couple of credits from your SPM slip, you can also consider other pathways, such as pursuing a diploma or certificate. Completing a certificate will allow you to progress to a diploma and subsequently a degree.

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What is the next step after SPM?

Continuing your studies at university or college right after SPM is a good option too – after all, the sooner you earn your degree or diploma, the sooner you can enter the workforce and begin making a life of your own.

Can I take SPM in Malaysia and O levels in Singapore?

You can take both tests in Malaysia but not in Singapore. In Malaysia, you can also opt to take the ‘O’ levels after taking SPM but in Singapore, there is no option of taking the SPM.

What are the requirements to work in Singapore as a Malaysian?

Malaysians need to be 18 years old before coming to Singapore to work. You must have a work permit before starting work, or else your boss and colleagues would be fined. You can’t do part-time jobs with your permit – if found out, you’ll be fined. You need to have a medical examination before applying for a permit.

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Can I hold the same job for 6 months in Singapore?

Holding the same job for over 6 months can help you avoid taxes from the government, and is also good for your resume (even if you change your work permit, the record follows you) If you came to Singapore for a friend/relative/significant other with plans to live with each other, you’re simply wasting your time.

Do you need a work permit to work in Singapore?

Once you ask, you’re done for. Malaysians need to be 18 years old before coming to Singapore to work. You must have a work permit before starting work, or else your boss and colleagues would be fined. You can’t do part-time jobs with your permit – if found out, you’ll be fined.