
What kind of offspring will a homozygous tall pea plant and a homozygous short pea plant make?

What kind of offspring will a homozygous tall pea plant and a homozygous short pea plant make?

a homozygous tall pea plant will have the genotype TT. A homozygous short pea plant will have the genotype tt. A cross between a homozygous tall tree…

When you cross a tall pea plant with a short pea plant the offspring will be?

When a tall and short plant are crossed, all of the offspring are tall. If the offspring self-fertilize, they produce tall and short plants in a ratio of 3:1 in the next generation.

What is the ratio obtained when heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with homozygous tall pea plant?

gneotype of paren… Monohybrid cross produced both tall and dwarf Pea plants in the ratio of 3:1.

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What offspring is produced if a heterozygous tall pea plant is cross with a homozygous short pea plant?

The “TT” and “Tt” crosses both have at least one “T” allele, so they are tall plants. However, the last cross “tt” doesn’t have any “T” alleles and is short, because it is homozygous recessive . Since 1 out of 4 pea plants are short, or 1/4, the probability of a short pea plant from a heterozygous cross is 25\%.

What is the genotype for a short pea plant?

The answer is c. tt.

Is a tall pea plant homozygous or heterozygous?

Dwarf plant is always homozygous (tt) as tallness is dominant allele and the dwarfness is recessive allele in pea. It produces gametes with ‘t’ allele only. All the gametes produced by tall plant will be only of one type carrying ‘T’ allele if it is homozygous tall (TT). and thus all the offsprings will be tall (Tt).

When a plant homozygous for tall is crossed with a plant homozygous for dwarf what will be the appearance of the offsprings of a cross of f1 with its tall parent?

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ANSWER: The condition given is that a plant (Homozygous tall) is crossed with a plant (Homozygous dwarf), then the appearance of the plats or saplings at the F₁ generation would be all tall plants.

When we cross heterozygous tall plant with homozygous recessive plant what is the percentage of homozygous dominant offspring?

25\% of the heterozygous cross are short, and the offspring of a homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive pea plant will always display the dominant trait (phenotype), because they are heterozygous.