
What particular issue of national concern should be given attention and budget for research?

What particular issue of national concern should be given attention and budget for research?

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What caused the United States to increase its defense spending in science & education programs?

Anxiety over the Cold War, and the loss in 1949 of the U.S. monopoly in nuclear weapons, led to expanded R&D programs in the Army and in the newly established Air Force, and to a continuing buildup in support for nuclear weapons R&D in the Atomic Energy Commission.

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What are three major sources of funds for research and development in the United States?

The U.S. R&D system consists of a variety of performers and sources of funding. These include businesses, the federal government, universities and colleges, other government (nonfederal) agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

How research affect the economy in our country?

To increase economic growth and productivity, countries often invest in research and development (R&D). The broader literature suggests that research and development expenditure positively impacts total factor productivity (TFP) by increasing output per worker.

How important is government budgeting and spending nowadays?

A government’s budget is the most important economic policy and planning document, and is an essential means by which to assess government’s efforts for the realization of human rights. In this way, they help to close the gap between rhetoric and reality, and hold governments to account for their actions.

What’s the purpose of National Defense Education Act?

The National Defense Education Act of 1958 became one of the most successful legislative initiatives in higher education. It established the legitimacy of federal funding of higher education and made substantial funds available for low-cost student loans, boosting public and private colleges and universities.

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Why is it important to fund research?

Funding in basic research can help us strengthen the economy,make our world cleaner, safer, enhance our national security, and help us fight disease.

What is the greatest source of funding for science in the United States?

The federal government
The federal government is by far the largest source of this funding, accounting for $31.6 billion (58.1 percent) of all funds in 2009.

How important is research in the economic improvement of the country?

Research is a highly creative activity—it produces new products, creates new jobs and new industries, cuts costs of production, and makes a large contribution to our economic growth and our over-all national welfare. Research is the spearhead of economic growth in a modern industrial nation.

What resources is important in the economy of the country?

For example, coal and iron are required for the growth and development of the iron and steel industry which is vital for the development of any country. Further, there are many other minerals which are of economic importance. Also, mineral fuels like petroleum, coal thorium and uranium are of national importance.