
What percentage of Bristol is black?

What percentage of Bristol is black?

Bristol’s population is expected to reach half a million by 2031. We have more children under sixteen than people of pensionable age. 16\% of our population belongs to a black or minority ethnic group.

Is Bristol a multicultural city?

Bristol Statistics Today, Bristol is a buzzing, multicultural university city of 459,000. There are at least 45 religions, at least 187 countries of birth and at least 91 main languages spoken in Bristol.

Which UK city is the most ethnically diverse?

the most ethnically diverse region was London, where 40.2\% of residents identified as belonging to either the Asian, Black, Mixed or Other ethnic group.

What areas in the UK are multicultural?

What are the Most Multicultural Cities in the UK?

  • London – Pick n Mix – A Blend of Every Culture Going.
  • Edinburgh – The Most Integrated Multicultural City in the UK.
  • Manchester – A Beautiful Blend of Irish, African & Asian People.
  • Leicester – A City for Asian Food Fans & Festival Junkies.
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How white is Bristol?

Bristol Demographics White: 84.0\% (77.9\% White British, 0.9\% White Irish, 0.1\% Gypsy or Irish Travellers, 5.1\% other white) Black: 6.0\% (2.8\% African, 1.6\% Caribbean, 1.6\% other black)

How diverse is Bristol?

Diversity at the university Of Bristol’s 2020 intake, 19.5\% of Home undergraduate students were from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic backgrounds, up from 14.5\% in 2016. 8.3\% of students were Asian, 2.9\% of students were Black, and 6.9\% of students were from mixed ethnic backgrounds.

Is Bristol a poor city?

Bristol falls behind neighbouring authorities of South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and Bath and North East Somerset when it comes to poverty. The biggest city in the South West, one in four children in Bristol live in poverty. In some wards, it is nearly one in every other child.

What percentage of Bristol is white?

Bristol Demographics White: 84.0\% (77.9\% White British, 0.9\% White Irish, 0.1\% Gypsy or Irish Travellers, 5.1\% other white)

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Is Bristol diverse?

Bristol is the most culturally and ethnically diverse area in the South-west, and some areas now rival parts of London for the range of countries of origin and first languages spoken. By 2011, 15\% people were not born in the UK, 45 religions, 50 countries of origin and 91 languages were represented in the city.

Is Bristol a nice place to live?

Is Bristol a good place to live? Unquestionably, Bristol is one of the best places to live in the UK. In 2017, Bristol was named the best place to live in the UK, while in 2019 the city was named the happiest place to live in the country.