
What percentage of donations go to Food for the Hungry?

What percentage of donations go to Food for the Hungry?

What is the breakdown of the FH operating expenses? Food for the Hungry uses 81 percent of all resources to serve the people who need it most around the world.

How much does the CEO of Feed the Hungry make?

The CEO, Mark Crea, received a reported $40,800 and had reported total compensation of $267,286.

What is the best hunger charity to donate to?

The best charities that fight hunger in America include Feeding America, Meals on Wheels, No Kid Hungry, and Midwest Food Bank. Together, these charities save thousands of lives from their struggles against hunger.

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How do I cancel my food for the hungry sponsorship?

To cancel your Food for the Hungry donation:

  1. Call 866-307-3259 or email [email protected] to reach customer service.
  2. Provide them with your membership details.
  3. Ask them to cancel your subscription.
  4. Request a confirmation email.

What is the annual salary of the CEO of Feeding America?

Our auditors at reviewed Feeding America’s payroll disclosures and found Diana Aviv, CEO, made $1.1 million (2019). This amount included $347,209 from a previous employer and rolled into a new 457B plan which was distributed to her when she left the organization that year.

What percentage of donations go to Feeding America?


Element Percentage
Administrative 0.30\%
Fundraising 1.00\%
Program 98.60\%

How Much Does No Kid Hungry donate?

Your support helps ensure that every child gets three healthy meals every day. In our 2020 fiscal year, Share Our Strength raised $159.8 million (total revenue) and spent $86.3 million (total expenses). Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.

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How many meals does $1 provide?

Every dollar donated to Feeding America allows us to secure and distribute at least 12 pounds of food (10 average-sized meals).

How does $1 dollar provide 10 meals?

Feeding America works with manufacturers and retailers to donate food that would otherwise go to waste. Our partners donate truckloads of food they are unable to sell. That rescued food then travels to food bank members throughout the country.