
What personality type is Tommy Shelby?

What personality type is Tommy Shelby?

Ambitious, cunning, and independent, Thomas Shelby’s MBTI is INTJ.

What makes Thomas Shelby special?

Personality. Unlike the Shelby siblings, Thomas is a very calm and observant man, showcasing his wit and ruthlessness to anyone who threatens him or his family. He is widely respected among his local community and is seen as a dangerous foe by his enemies.

How intelligent is Tommy Shelby?

basic information on careful analysis:Tommy shelby has low verbal iq, low mathematic or arithmetic capacity, but very high mental abstraction (this is the interesting part). High mental abstraction means the ability to think about things, observe obvious patterns,play mind games and manipulation at a very high level.

How is Tommy Shelby so confident?

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Tommy Shelby has a lot to teach us about confidence (and nothing else), without spoilers. Even if they don’t feel confident themselves, they’re resourceful and they don’t let their fear shine through. It’s more their external appearance, their mannerisms, that make them seem extremely confident.

What Zodiac is Tommy Shelby?

3 Capricorn – Thomas Shelby.

Is Tommy Shelby a sigma or alpha?

As family loyalty is paramount for Tommy and he devotes his life to his family, reciprocally the Shelbys look out for him, making him the family alpha too, not just the town’s boss.

Is Tommy Shelby a villain?

Cillian Murphy’s Thomas Shelby is a great example of an evil character who is complex, and thus, compelling. He’s not evil for the sake of being evil, which is why fans root for him. The Shelbys are often seen as the good guys when compared to the Peaky Blinders’ enemies – people like Luca Changretta or Father Hughes.

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Who is the smartest person in Peaky Blinders?

When it comes to Peaky Blinders there really is only one person who can take the top spot when it comes to intelligence, and that is Tommy Shelby. The leader of the group and the man behind all of the plans and business ideas, Tommy has a reason for everything he does.

Is shelbys real?

Though they had disappeared by the 1920s, the name of the “Peaky Blinders” became synonymous slang for any street gang in Birmingham. The series, which stars Cillian Murphy, Paul Anderson, and Joe Cole, is a crime story about a fictional crime family operating in Birmingham just after World War I.

Is Thomas Shelby Alpha or Sigma?

Calming who is out of control (usually his brother), bringing order and conciliation. As family loyalty is paramount for Tommy and he devotes his life to his family, reciprocally the Shelbys look out for him, making him the family alpha too, not just the town’s boss.