
What questions can I ask in pre-placement talk?

What questions can I ask in pre-placement talk?

What do you hope to learn here? What strengths to you bring to this field? What are your areas of professional growth? Can you tell me about your previous work, volunteer and/or field placement experiences?

What do we do in pre-placement talk?

The pre-placement interview is an opportunity for you to meet the prospective agency and discuss your hopes, interests and requirements for the placement. It is also the chance for you to learn about the agency and what it might be like doing a placement there.

What should I ask in Deloitte Pre-Placement Talk?

Some of the topics they had asked for JAM are :

  • The downside of Technology.
  • Can India become a Manufacturing Power.
  • How can we leverage technology to combat climate change.
  • One tech company that has a big impact in your life.
  • Life as a Robot.

What questions should I ask an internship recruiter?

Best questions to ask during an internship interview

  1. Can you tell me about the onboarding process?
  2. Can you describe the company’s culture?
  3. What are the main day-to-day responsibilities involved in this internship?
  4. What are some essential qualities for successful interns?
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What is pre-placement talk in Cognizant?

Pre-Placement Talks are given by the company participating in the placement process. It generally includes a detailed presentation that provides applicants with an overview about the company, its policies, hierarchy, recruitment process, career growth, job location, positions and salaries offered.

What is pre-placement talk in HCL?

there was a pre-placement talk (ppt) for about 25 minutes . It is not like a talk..but the manager showed us a video which lasted for 10 min.. later a small friendly talk about the recruitments process and compensations ,salary and additional benefits ..

What questions should I ask about a company PPT?

15 Questions To Ask Your Interviewer

  • Is this role new?
  • Is there scope for career progression?
  • Can you tell me a bit about the predecessor of the role?
  • What does a typical day look like?
  • Can you tell me more about the team?
  • Who are the key stakeholders?
  • How does the team fit into the overall structure of the company?