
What religions believe revelation?

What religions believe revelation?

In the “prophetic” religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism), revelation is conceived as a message communicated by God to an accredited spokesman, who is charged to herald the content of that message to an entire people.

What are the different types of revelation?

There are two types of revelation:

  • General (or indirect) revelation – called ‘general’ or ‘indirect’ because it is available to everyone.
  • Special (or direct) revelation – called ‘direct’ because it is revelation directly to an individual or sometimes a group.

What does divine revelation mean in religion?

And though many religious people believe God spoke to prophets in antiquity, they often limit divine revelation to the past. In its broad meaning, revelation is divine guidance or inspiration; it is the communication of truth and knowledge from God to His children on earth, suited to their language and understanding.

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What is an example of general revelation?

An example of general revelation is how God can reveal Himself through the natural world. Just as artists are reflected in their paintings, so God is shown in His creation. For Christians, qualities such as harmony and beauty must come from God and be found in God.

What is divine revelation in the Catholic Church?

Divine revelation was fulfilled, completed, and perfected in Christ, the fullness and mediator, author and interpreter, purpose and center of public revelation. Hence, public revelation is the deposit of faith and rule of faith and must be lived by all Catholics.

What is general revelation in Christianity?

In theology, general revelation, or natural revelation, refers to knowledge about God and spiritual matters, discovered through natural means, such as observation of nature (the physical universe), philosophy, and reasoning.

What is divine revelation in your own words?

divine revelation – communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency. revelation. making known, informing – a speech act that conveys information.

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Do Muslims believe in divine revelation?

Divine Revelation in Islam: Muslims believe, like Christians, that God revealed himself to Abraham, moses and all the other prophets of the OT. However, Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was just another prophet among many and was not the son of God. They do not believe that Jesus was divine or in any way God- like.

What are the different types of divine revelation?

Divine Revelation: God Making Himself Known 1 God Reveals Himself as the Lord. God’s personal name is Lord, which translates the mysterious name I AM which God revealed to Moses in Ex. 2 General and Special Revelation. Theologians make various distinctions among types of revelation. 3 Media of Revelation. 4 Conclusion.

Is there a substitute to natural revelation?

Strictly speaking, therefore, the counterpart to natural revelation—if there is a counterpart—is supernatural revelation rather than special revelation. “Supernatural”, in a theological context, refers to putative divine action that is not included in God’s ordinary activity of creating and sustaining the world.

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What is revelation in the Bible?

“Revelation” (lat. revelatio) is a translation of the Greek word apokalypsis, which means the removal of a veil so that something can be seen. Many religions appeal to purported divine revelations in order to explain and justify their characteristic beliefs about God, and revelation has usually been understood as an epistemic notion. [ 1] P