
What replaced the Single Action Army?

What replaced the Single Action Army?

During 1893, the .45 U.S. Colt Single Action Army revolver was retired by the Cavalry and replaced by the .38 caliber Colt Model 1892 Double Action Army revolver.

Is a Colt 45 single action?

The Colt 45 was characterized in type as a centerfire, single-action revolver, based on both the type of ammunition it fired (black powder centerfire) and the key function of the trigger itself. In a “single-action” pistol, the trigger only actuated the firing process, forcing the operator to manage the hammer.

What is a 45 Schofield revolver?

In 1875 the U.S. Army and Smith & Wesson signed a contract for Schofield revolvers in .45 Colt caliber. The No. 3 cylinder was not long enough to accommodate the .45 Colt cartridge, so S&W simply shortened the cartridge, creating the .45 Schofield (.45 Short Colt), which could be used in both the Colt SAA and S&W Schofield revolvers.

What was the difference between a Colt and a Schofield?

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Although somewhat slower than the Schofield, some officers reported that the single loading method of the Colt was not considered a detriment since most mounted pistol charges only saw a couple of rounds fired—thus the necessity of exposing the entire cylinder for a complete reload was not as critical.

Does Cimarron make a 45 Schofield?

Cimarron offers the Model No. 3 Schofield in 3 1/2 inches in .45 Colt, 5 inches in .38 Special or .45 Colt, or the cavalry length 7-inch barrel in .38 Special, .44-40 or .45 Colt. (.45 Colt chambered Cimarron Schofields also handle the .45 Schofield cartridge).

What was the difference between the Schofield and S&W?

The Schofield’s shorter cylinder was unable to chamber the Army’s longer 40-grain black powder load with its 250-grain lead bullet cartridge. The S&W loading held 28 grains of black powder and a 230-grain lead projectile.