
What rights do you have as an investor?

What rights do you have as an investor?

As an investor, you have the right to:

  • Quality Service.
  • Full, Clear Reporting.
  • Responsible Investment Advice.
  • Prompt, Fair Resolution of Problems.
  • Inform And Educate Yourself.
  • Communicate With Your Financial Advisor.
  • Review Your Accounts Regularly.
  • Use the Right Resources Carefully.

Do investors have a say?

A non-voting stock doesn’t allow you to participate in votes affecting shareholders and the company. With this class of shares, investors forfeit their right to have a say in the direction of the company for what is often an incremental stock price advantage over voting shares.

What are the investors rights and obligations?

Investor Rights – Right To

  • Get Unique Client Code (UCC) allotted.
  • Get a copy of KYC and other documents executed.
  • Get trades executed in only his/her UCC.
  • Place order on meeting the norms agreed to with the Member.
  • Get best price.
  • Contract note for trades executed.
  • Details of charges levied.
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Do investors make company decisions?

So investors often times will negotiate for certain provisions in the financing documents that allows a minority investor, again, remember we talked about range in the early-stage financing in terms of ownership level for a preferred stock investor being somewhere between 5-30\% of the company.

What are the responsibilities of an investor?

Investor Responsibilities

  • Learn about investing.
  • Understand that all investments involve risk.
  • Investigate the broker and securities firm.
  • Review new account documents carefully.
  • Do your research on any potential investment.
  • Give the broker complete and accurate information.

What rights and facilities are available to an investor of a mutual fund?

In case the your investment is through a mutual fund distributor, you have the right to know the fees, commissions etc that the fund house is paying to the distributor who is getting you to invest in the scheme. You also have a right to seek professional help, from a financial planner or advisor, in such situations.

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What decisions can only shareholders make?

What decisions can the shareholders make?

  • amending the companies articles by special resolution;
  • changing the name of the company by ordinary resolution;
  • approving a substantial property transaction by ordinary resolution;