
What role does public procurement authority play in procurement activities in the public sector?

What role does public procurement authority play in procurement activities in the public sector?

Welcome to the PPA The Authority seeks to ensure fairness, transparency and non-discrimination in public procurement in order to promote a competitive local industry and increase the confidence of our varied stakeholders in public procurement processes in the country and beyond.

What are the functions of public procurement authority?


  • Make proposals for the formulation of policies on procurement;
  • Ensure policy implementation and human resource development for public procurement.
  • Hold an annual forum for consultations on public procurement and other related issues;
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What is procurement in the public sector?

Public Procurement is the function whereby public sector organizations acquire goods, services and development and construction projects from suppliers in the local and international market, subject to the general principles of fairness, equitability, transparency, competitiveness and cost-effectiveness.

What are the responsibilities of procurement regulatory bodies?

Specifically, the functions of the Authority are to: Make proposals for the formulation of policies on procurement. Develop, promote and support training and professional development of persons engaged in public procurement, and ensure adherence by the trained persons to ethical standards.

What is the role of public procurement in Kenya?

Public procurement in Kenya is governed by the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015, whose full title is “An Act of Parliament to give effect to Article 227 of the Constitution; to provide procedures for efficient public procurement and for assets disposal by public entities; and for connected purposes”.

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Who is the PPA boss in Ghana?

Gideon Sandinah
Officer. Mr. Gideon Sandinah, Senior I.T.

What is the main objective of public procurement?

According to Act 663 Section 2, the object of the Authority is to harmonize the process of public procurement in the public service to secure a judicious, economic and efficient use of state resources in public procurement and ensure that public procurement is carried out in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory …

What are the objectives of public sector procurement?

The objectives of public procurement are to ensure that the application of standard procedures across government agencies is achieved. Uniformity implies that the private sector suppliers participate on the same rules and regulations in the public sector.

What is the importance of public procurement?

Public procurement is an information- intensive function of government. It has to satisfy requirements for goods, works, systems and services in a timely manner. Furthermore, it has to meet the basic principles of accountability and integrity for good governance.

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What are the objectives of public procurement?

to promote competition and ensure that competitors are treated fairly; to promote the integrity and fairness of those procedures; to increase transparency and accountability in those procedures; and. to increase public confidence in those procedures.

What is the role of procurement team?

Procurement Team is a group of experts who provide a wide range of services to all project participants involved or interested in the activities relating to the purchasing of materials and supplies required for project implementation.

What are the activities in procurement department?

The following 12 important functions are mandated to be executed by the procurement department:

  • Sourcing.
  • Negotiation.
  • Contracting.
  • Monitoring of suppliers’ performance.
  • Compliance with business protocols.
  • Leveraging technology to help in procurement functions.
  • How DocuCollab can help.
  • Collaboration with Other Departments.