
What scent will keep possums away?

What scent will keep possums away?

Ammonia and garlic are scents that possums tend to flee from. If using ammonia, pour a small amount of ammonia into a coffee can with a lid. Place a rag inside the ammonia and bring one end up through a hole cut into the lid. The rag will act as a wick to disperse the fumes.

What home remedy keeps possums away?

Mixing fresh garlic bits in water and spraying around a garden area helps keep possums away. Hot peppers or hot sauce — the hotter the better — mixed with a little water and dish soap and applied to plants the possum finds tasty also repels the possum.

Will vinegar get rid of possums?

Vinegar or Fox urine will help you get rid of Opossums. They move around at night so sprinkle, spray, or drop your vinegar when your Opossum is out for his/her dinner, of course on the spot she or he was seen last.

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What is the best possum deterrent?

How to deter possums the easy way

  1. Molasses. Otherwise known as black treacle, a simple cup of molasses can work wonders on a bunch of pesky possums that is munching on your delicious garden wonders every night.
  2. Spicy Mix. If molasses didn’t work, try some spicier stuff!
  3. Quassia Chips.
  4. Mothballs.
  5. Sprinkler.

Will garlic powder keep possums away?

Opossums also do not like the smell of garlic or chili powder, so spreading some of either of these in various places around your yard will keep opossums away. Like most pests, opossums will flee at any sign of danger. Using their fears against them is a great way to keep them from destroying your garden.

What essential oils do possums hate?

All of the following essential oils are good for possum repellent:

  • Peppermint oil.
  • Lavender oil.
  • Spearmint oil.

Will peppermint oil keep possum away?

Peppermint oil, in particular, is a very strong essential oil that you can buy at any grocery store. Buy a bottle and just pour somewhere you want possums to avoid. Think of it like a natural possum repellent that’ll keep them away from that area.

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Will cayenne pepper deter possums?

Animals that have a keen sense of smell will be unable to handle the intense pepper smell and leave the property. Keep up the spraying every other night until you are certain the opossum(s) is gone. You can also sprinkle black pepper or red cayenne pepper.