
What should be discussed in a weekly meeting?

What should be discussed in a weekly meeting?

Here’s our recommended weekly team meeting agenda:

  • Always start your staff meeting with good news.
  • Go through the company’s KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators.
  • Talk about the progress the team has made against the company’s priorities (quarterly rocks) and key objectives.
  • Share your individual focus for the week.

What do you discuss in a meeting?

20 team meeting topic ideas

  • Icebreakers.
  • Current projects.
  • Progress on quarterly goals.
  • Industry insights and updates.
  • Team wins.
  • Process improvements.
  • Customer stories.
  • Roadblocks and challenges.

How do you structure a weekly meeting?

How to plan more effective meetings with a weekly team agenda

  1. Create a weekly team agenda.
  2. Make it a virtual meeting.
  3. Consider time management in your meeting agenda.
  4. Be committed to those working remotely.
  5. Rotate who runs the meeting.
  6. Make it an optional meeting for certain team members.
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What are some important things that should be on any agenda?

How to Set an Agenda

  • Logistics. This includes date, time and place of meeting, its title, and a list of invited attendees.
  • Objective. The purpose of the meeting, and any background information such as whether this is the first in a series of meetings.
  • Housekeeping.
  • Items.

How do you conduct effective weekly team meetings?

You can make the most out of your team meetings by following these tips.

  1. Prioritize Collaboration (Not Reporting)
  2. Use Meeting Roles.
  3. Ask Your Team For Input.
  4. Create a Meeting Agenda.
  5. Protect Everyone’s Chance To Speak.
  6. Mix Things Up A Bit.
  7. Pose Questions That Encourage Discussion.
  8. Speak Out Your Agenda Progress As You Go.

How do you make a weekly meeting fun?

6 Ways to Make Your Meetings Fun and Engaging

  1. 1 Ice breakers. Ice breakers are a great way to open a meeting, especially for remote teams.
  2. 2 Show-and-tell. Show-and-tell isn’t just for children.
  3. 3 Let people take ownership.
  4. 4 Celebrate team wins.
  5. 5 Encourage shoutouts.
  6. 6 Play an online game.
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What makes a meeting successful?

An effective meeting brings a thoughtfully selected group of people together for a specific purpose, provides a forum for open discussion, and delivers a tangible result: a decision, a plan, a list of great ideas to pursue, a shared understanding of the work ahead.

What do you discuss in a team meeting?

Common staff meeting topics include:

  • Ongoing projects.
  • Recent performance.
  • Next quarter’s goals.
  • Industry news.
  • Upcoming events.
  • Process updates.
  • Customer feedback.
  • Design review.

How do you structure a weekly huddle?

Team Huddle best practices:

  1. Be dedicated. A good facilitator is dedicated to the regular meeting rhythm.
  2. Focus on the How, not the Why. Efficient Weekly Meetings produce solutions-based discussions instead of status-based presentations.
  3. Steer Clear of Tangents.
  4. Drive Team Accountability.
  5. Share Facilitator Duties.

What items make up the body of the agenda?

An ideal agenda body for me includes the following items in this order:

  • Call to order (2 minutes)
  • Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)
  • Housekeeping (5 minutes)
  • Review of agenda (2 minutes)
  • Approval of the previous meeting minutes (3 minutes)
  • President’s Report (5 minutes)
  • Staff Report (5 minutes)