
What should I do to prepare for NS?

What should I do to prepare for NS?

We have some suggestions to help you prepare yourself mentally for National Service (NS): Adopt a positive perception towards rules and regulations as it will help you develop self-discipline and resilience. Learn to do your own laundry and clean your own room. Control your expenses and live within a fixed budget.

Can u bring snacks into NS?

Snacks (cup noodles, biscuits, etc. Only dry food allowed)

Can we use phones in NS?

3. Bring a portable charger in with you. Gone are the days when NS boys needed to get a no-camera phone for NS, which usually came with a longer battery life. These days, you can bring your smartphones in, and we all know how weak the battery life can be.

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What should I wear to NS?

You should wear a collared shirt, long trousers and shoes. Singlets, bermuda shorts, shorts, slippers or sandals are not allowed as you will be taking your oath of allegiance and it is a solemn ceremony.

When can you book out ns?

In the first 2 weeks, recruits are confined to their camp, and are only allowed to book out on the third weekend and every subsequent weekend thereafter (unless there’s special training).

What should I pack for national service?

You should wear a collared shirt, long trousers and shoes. Singlets, bermuda shorts, shorts, slippers or sandals are not allowed as you will be taking your oath of allegiance and it is a solemn ceremony. The same dress code applies to your parents and friends as well.

Is there WIFI in Tekong?

There is no Wi-Fi on Tekong, if you were wondering.

How much should I save in NS?

How Much Can an NSF in the SAF Save During His NS Days?

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Early part of NS (BMT) Total Allowance
If he continue in his vocation 9 weeks of training $17,080 (with $100 combat pay) $18,117.50 (with $150 combat pay) $21,230 (with $300 combat pay)