
What should I focus on Stardew Valley?

What should I focus on Stardew Valley?

Invest in crops as soon as possible.

  • Learn which are the most valuable crops per season.
  • It’s hip to be square.
  • Don’t worry about animals too soon.
  • Prioritise wood.
  • Unlock the beach bridge first.
  • Mine the mines for all they’ve got.
  • Fish until you flop.
  • How do I choose a profession in Stardew Valley?

    When you first reach level 5 in a skill, you’ll get to choose between two different professions. When you reach level 10 in a skill, you’ll get to choose between two more different professions, and these are based on the profession you chose at level 5 for that skill (each skill has four total level 10 professions).

    What’s better forester or gatherer?

    Between Forester and Gatherer, the Gatherer is by far the better Forager profession in Stardew Valley. Forester leads to higher quantities of Hardwood, but Gatherer stands to make you much more money.

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    What should I focus on first Stardew Valley?

    While farming may seem like the ideal skill to level up first, foraging is actually the best bet. Early on in Stardew Valley, there’s not much to do as players learn the ropes of the game, but foraging is always available.

    Is shepherd or Coopmaster better?

    If you did choose Rancher, Shepherd is the better Level 10 choice, making sheep produce wool faster. This late in the game, you probably won’t need the incubation speed bonus of Coopmaster. Which type of animal you befriend faster also comes down to personal preference.

    Which is better tiller or rancher?

    If you pick Rancher animal products will be worth 20\% more. Tiller makes your crops worth 10\% more. That is way better than the 20\% bonus from Rancher. Almost all end animal products are finished goods, so if you want to raise animals you actually should take Tiller to maximize your late game profit.

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    Should I pick botanist or tracker?

    Botanist or Tracker? Botanist is the best profession in the Foraging skill tree hands down. Botanist makes all the items you forage the highest quality possible.

    Does Forester affect hardwood Stardew?

    The forester gains a 50\% increase in the price of any wood that they sell. That means normal wood as well as hardwood. The foresters real benefits shine when you level up this skill to level 10 because that is when you will be able to choose between the lumberjack or the tapper.