
What should I put on top of plywood floor?

What should I put on top of plywood floor?

Plywood is only one type of underlayment. Other common types include cementboard or tile backer (used under ceramic or stone tile), foam underlayment (used under laminate and engineered wood “floating” floors), and rosin paper (used under solid hardwood flooring).

What goes first framing or flooring?

2 Answers. Framing is typically build on top of the subfloor. The finish flooring runs to within about 1/2″ of the framing, then the gap is covered by baseboard.

What should you do first drywall or flooring?

When you’re hanging drywall and installing new flooring, it’s usually best to hang the drywall first and then save the floor for last.

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Does framing go on top of subfloor?

If you use a product like DriCore for the subfloor, they even explicitly recommend you frame on top of their subfloor product. They do, however, recommend you screw the framing through the subfloor into the concrete with something like 3″ Tapcons spaced every 4 ft through the bottom sill of the framing.

Do you frame on top of subfloor?

If your basement renovation is to include a plywood subfloor, or the 2’x2′ subfloor panels, be sure to install the subfloor first, then frame the wall overtop. Having the 2×4 wall sit on the subfloor will protect the lumber from moisture issues or any minor flooding.

Do windows go in before or after drywall?

Windows and doors should install before drywall. The the building can be dried out and heated well enough to create a stable environment for insulation, for electrical and plumbing. Drywall should not be even brought into a structure until it is dry and warm to room temperature inside.

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Do you put subfloor down before drywall?

In standard home construction, the contractor installs the subfloor before installing the drywall. In fact, the subfloor is one of the first features of construction, whereas drywall installation takes place toward the end of the project.