
What size boat motor do I need to ski?

What size boat motor do I need to ski?

Boat owners often recommend 90 HP on a 16′ boat as the minimum for serious slalom skiing and wakeboarding on a fully loaded boat. 115 HP will generally be comfortable, while 75 HP may barely be enough.

Will a 75 hp motor pull a skier?

A 75 hp motor will pull skiers no problem. The main thing would to have a second prop at least 2 pitchs lower to help give you more power to pull them up.

Is outboard or inboard better for salt water?

Inboard engine boats are better suited for performing water sports. As well as powering large vessels that require a lot of horsepower to move the boat. Outboard engine boats are better suited for shallow water, salt water, and pontoon boats.

What is the best engine to have on a boat?

Best Outboard Engines

  • Suzuki DF25. Above: Hour upon hour of testing has proven the reliability and easy starting of the DF25.
  • Yamaha F25. You’ve gotta love where an engine like the Yamaha F25 can take you.
  • Mercury 75/90/115.
  • Torqeedo Deep Blue.
  • Suzuki DF90.
  • Yamaha V-Max SHO 115.
  • Evinrude ETEC G2.
  • Yamaha F250.
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Can a 90 hp motor pull a skier?

A 90 horsepower motor can be enough to pull an 18 ft boat with a water skier behind. With enough horsepower in the motor, it’s possible to do things like wakeboarding, tubing, and skiing even in a pontoon boat.

Can you pull a tube with a 50 hp motor?

Can you pull a tube with a 50 hp motor? The 50HP will definitely be enough to pull the kids on a tube. Tube speeds don’t have to be excessive, and since they float, it doesn’t take much power to get them gliding across the water.

Can a 115 hp motor pull a skier?

If your pontoon boat has a 115hp engine, you’ll likely be able to tow tubes or ski even with a full boat. It won’t be as much of fun as with only 4 or 5 people, but you’ll be fine.

How fast can a 75hp boat go?

The 75hp might be able to push the boat to 32 mph, but with the throttle jammed against the stops, that’s not possible.

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What’s faster an inboard or an outboard motor?

Inboards on average can run 1,500 hours before tune-ups, while the outboard counterparts typically run 750 hours before service is needed. But buying the inboard motor will cost you more upfront and can require more expensive insurance coverage.

Is Evinrude a good motor?

Evinrude’s New E-TEC 150 Is the Most Efficient Boat Engine We’ve Ever Seen. If you, like me, enjoy nerding out on outboard motors, then prepare to indulge your inner marine-propulsion geek with this news of Evinrude’s new 150-horsepower E-TEC G2. With outboards, they’re pretty much all reliable these days.

Are 4 stroke boat motors better than 2 stroke?

From a cost perspective, a 4-stroke outboard is far more fuel efficient than a 2-stroke. The fuel efficiency of a 4-stroke motor can be 50\% better than that of a 2-stroke motor with the same HP. They’re quieter than 2-strokes, with the lower pitch of the motor being less of a nuisance. …

What size engine do I need for my sportboat?

When selecting power for a sportboat perhaps the most important thing to avoid is under-powering the boat. Some boat builders and dealers typically will install 3.0L 135-hp engines in the smallest sportboats to keep the total price of the boat as low as possible.

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What are the best tournament ski boats?

MasterCraft originated as a ski boat builder, so it stands to reason that it should still build one of the best tournament ski boats on the market. The ProStar is performing at the top of its game, even if slalom skiing has fallen behind wakeboarding and wakesurfing in terms of popularity.

What are the best crossover water skiing boats?

As far as crossover water skiing boats go, it doesn’t get any better than the MasterCraft XT21. It can track slalom runs with little wake generation and no ballast even at high speeds, making it perfect for skiing.

How to choose the right ski boat for You?

You want a ski boat that has an inboard (not an outboard) motor. These are known to produce flat wakes that are ideal for water skiing since they are permanently situated inside the boat. So, they power the propulsion shaft through the hull. Outboards, on the other hand, are situated outside the boat.