
What things count as extracurriculars?

What things count as extracurriculars?

The Common App says that extracurricular activities “include arts, athletics, clubs, employment, personal commitments, and other pursuits.” Almost anything that you are actively and productively involved in can be considered an extracurricular activity.

Does reading count as an extracurricular?

So, is reading an extracurricular activity? In general, merely reading books at home itself is not considered an extracurricular activity because it doesn’t involve others, nor does it develop a particular talent.

Do you need letters of rec for grad school?

Letters of recommendation are required for almost every graduate school application and are a very important part of the application process.

Is coursera extra curricular?

Originally Answered: Can Coursera or Edx be considered as extracurricular activities? Although this is entirely objective, you can certainly label it as an extracurricular activity since it’s beyond the standardized school/college content and can significantly extend your knowledge in various topics.

How many letters of recommendation do you need for eras?

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You need at least three letters of recommendation per residency, and you can submit up to four per residency. You can check school-specific requirements using the AMA’s FREIDA database. From whom should I request ERAS letters of recommendation?

How many letters of recommendation can you send to a university?

While you can only send four letters of recommendation to any given program, ERAS allows you to store as many letters as you’d like and to pick and choose which letters you’d like to send to each program. Does the MSPE count as a letter of recommendation?

Do I have to send letters exclusive to my chosen specialty?

No, you do not have to send letters exclusive to your chosen specialty, but you should have at least one letter of recommendation from a physician in your specialty of choice. Ideally, you should have two letters of recommendation from physicians in your specialty of interest, most likely attendings with whom you worked on your rotations.

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Does the Dean’s letter count toward your four letters of recommendation?

The Medical School Performance Evaluation (MSPE), also known as the Dean’s Letter, is one of the required materials you’ll need to submit as part of your ERAS application. However, the MSPE does not count towards your four letters of recommendation.