
What type of information request can be rejected by the PIO?

What type of information request can be rejected by the PIO?

Grounds of Rejection of RTI There are only three possible grounds on which information can be denied: The organisation is not a Public authority – eg. a Cooperative Society, or a Private corporate or Institution, not substantially financed or controlled by the Government.

When public information officer is not bound to provide the information under Right to Information Act?

If an applicant is not supplied information within the prescribed time of thirty days or 48 hours, as the case may be, or is not satisfied with the information furnished to him, he may prefer an appeal to the first appellate authority who is an officer senior in rank to the Public Information Officer.

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Which type of information are not supposed to be disclosed under the Right to Information Act 2005?

Under Section 8 (1) (a) of the RTI Act, a public authority is not under obligation to furnish the information disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incitement …

What information Cannot be given in RTI?

The Delhi High Court on Monday said that the disclosure of personal information, which has no relation to any public activity or interest and revelation of which can cause “unwarranted invasion” into the privacy of an individual, cannot be disclosed under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Which information is exempted from RTI?

In the RTI Act, 2005, Section 8(1) lists all of the exemptions: (a) information, disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the security, sovereignty and integrity of India; (b) information which may constitute contempt of court; (c) information that would cause a breach of privilege of Parliament or the State …

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Can a RTI be rejected?

All RTI laws permit applications to be rejected if they fall within the exemptions clauses of the Act. Some State laws (but not the Central Act) allow applications to be rejected if the information requested has already been published, for example, as a book or on the internet.

What information is exempted from RTI?